24,5. Night before the Olympics

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Fun fact; Athletes competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics have been handed 110,000 condoms. It works out at roughly 38 condoms each athlete.

Lmao I wonder how Yuzuru reacted when he received his 38 condoms. And what did he do with his👁👄👁

The night before Pyeongchang Winter Olympics' official ceremony was merry. Since it hasn't began officially, the athletes and teams that already arrived at the camp threw a party to wish each other luck for the their next competitive days. Unavoidably, some used this once in a four years opportunity to hook up with athletes from another side of the world they usually wouldn't meet. Yuzuru tried to understand the basic humans' desire towards the people they're attracted to, he really did. But he just really couldn't bring himself to enjoy the atmosphere around him, not when his ankle is being a bitch while people around him were being lovey-dovey to each other.

So when he started to hear muffled moans from the corners, Yuzuru covered his ears with his hands and walked away in a hurry. The last thing he wanted to see or hear are the vulgar actions some people do under the influence of alcohol. However, the quick movements affected his injured ankle.

"Argh, fuck." Yuzuru cursed out of pain on his ankle.

Truth be told, he's far from fully recovered. But he couldn't avoid it. The pressure and expectation he got in this Olympics is unbearable, he just want to get this over with as soon as possible.

Noticing Yuzuru's grunts from the corner, the doctor from his team quickly ran by his side. "Yuzuru?" Doctor Asami asked, checking to see he's okay.

Yuzuru only let out another grunt as a response, not in the mood to talk. Understanding that he's in pain, Asami sighed in frustation. "I'm sorry. Has the painkiller worn off already?"

"Can I get more?" Yuzuru finally spoke.

Asami looked at her wristwatch and sighed, "You can't, at least for the next six hours. I gave you the maximum dosis already."

"Please, Sensei?" As a last attempt, he looked at his doctor with his begging puppy eyes, but Asami shook her head strictly. "No, Zuzu. I can't give you more painkillers for now.". The assertive response made Yuzuru gave up immediately. He rolled his eyes and sighed. His puppy eyes used to never fail to persuade Asami to give Yuzuru anything he wanted. But now that they've grown up, she's already able to stand her grounds.

Noticing Yuzuru's disappointment, Asami instead offered a glass of white wine with an unsure smile on her face. She knew his ankle must be hurting, this is the least she could give him to ease the pain. "Well... they say alcohol makes you forget your pain, don't they?"

He raised an eyebrow. That seems like a bad idea, really. Yuzuru looked at the glass, then his ankle, then the glass again. He then decided.

Yuzuru was desperate enough to take the glass.


It was a bad idea indeed.

As a lightweight, Yuzuru hated the feeling of being drunk. He could feel his body and face getting hot and his steps were unstable, but Asami was right, at least he felt less pain than before.

He sighed out a heavy breath as he stepped out the tent where people were gathering. Oh? Feeling a hand snatching his arm, he looked back. "Sensei?"

"Where are you going?" Asami asked, worried for the drunk man.

He took a while to answer, his face getting redder. "I want to... walk. The alcohol... walk it off."

Asami nodded. "I'm coming with you."

Yuzuru didn't mind and let her tag along with him as he walked. Asami Clark didn't even look drunk the slightest. He knew that she's a strong drinker, it's something that he's always been jealous of.

"So.. how's Aya-chan?" Yuzuru striked a conversation to break the silence.

"My sister?" Asami raised an eyebrow to the question. "She's doing good. How's your new girlfriend?"

Yuzuru scoffed. They were walking around with no destination in mind, but now they seemed to be approaching some sort of bazaar. "What girlfriend? I only have Pooh-san."

"Pfft, don't even lie to me. I saw you looking at a picture of a girl in your phone at the party. You're into someone? Don't tell me she's a fan."

"God, no." Yuzuru shook his head immediately. "I don't date fans. She's..." He struggled to find the words. Truth be told, he doesn't know what to introduce that girl as. At the end, he chose to be honest. He has known Asami for a long time, after all. "I don't know. My mom wants to introduce her to me. You should know her, she's from the Fueguchi family"

Asami stopped walking.

Noticing his company not walking alongside him, he stopped and looked back. Asami stopped right in front of a small shop displaying a set of jewelries. Her eyes shone, enchanted by one of them. Yuzuru walked back to Asami and followed her gaze. She was staring at a blue gem brooch on a booth display, the color was as clear as the sky and the depth was pulling anyone who looked at it closer and closer. For a split second, Yuzuru felt like he was standing between the sky and the sea.

"Zuzu, I saw her eyes," Asami said, her voice was cracking. He looked over and noticed Asami was starting to teared up.

Ah. Yuzuru got it now.

The color of azure blue, as clear as the heavenly sky and as deep as the ocean. It's the color of that person's eyes.

"You sure you don't want one that match your eyes?" Yuzuru put his hands inside the pocket of his jacket. The air is getting cold now that the alcohol started to rub off.

"No. This is the most beautiful one." Asami held the brooch box close to her chest, almost hugging it. That azure brooch is undoubtedly the best purchase she had during her whole time in Pyeongchang.

"Ah right," Asami recalled. She was distracted back then by the blue brooch, but she remembered Yuzuru mentioned something about a girl. "What did you say earlier again? Did your mom want to set you up with someone?"

"Hmm," Yuzuru nodded. "Fueguchi's family youngest daughter."

Asami gasped, her eyes widened. She covered her mouth, shocked by what she just heard. "The Fueguchi family?"


"You lucky bastard."

"Oh shut the fuck up."

"So I guess you won't need what I'm going to share to you athletes tomorrow, then." Asami chuckles.

Yuzuru raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"The South Korean government gave the doctors boxes of... safety measures, and asked  us to distributed it to the athletes." Asami explained.

The vague language made Yuzuru tilted his head, thinking. "Safety measures?"


Yuzuru stumbled on the snow, caught off guard by what Asami just said. His face reddened, realizing how embarrassing it would be to hold on to a bunch of condoms and have people misunderstood. It is common for athletes to fuck each other during the Olympic period, but Yuzuru is here to compete. Besides, he has someone waiting for him at home, right?

"I don't want it." Yuzuru said. "Just throw away mine."


hi lmao im back. sorry for being mia, is anyone even still reading this lolol

this chapter is a flashback btw in case u cant tell

Honey Honey Wedding | yuzuruhanyuOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora