✨special chapter + get to know me!

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"Yuzuru, don't start doing jumps!"

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"Yuzuru, don't start doing jumps!"

Yuzuru hears that order from his coach loud and clear, but he still keeps the fast pace and starts doing his jump entry.


And so he jumps. His foot stroke the ice and he rotates twice in the air, before landing a meter a way.

A decent double axel, I'd say. Yuzuru thinks while he's mid air. Add two moee rotations and that's a quad!

But he didn't watch where he'd be landing.

And he hit Evgenia, who was practicing their step sequence. "Akh!" Evgenia fell down and Yuzuru crash onto the ice.

"Oh my god!" They can hear Tracy shouting, but the rest is blurry. Yuzuru forces himself to stand up, despite his head feels like spinning. "Ugh.."

"I'm so sorry, Medo. Arr you okay?" Yuzuru asks with his crappy English while helping the Russian girl to stand up.

Evgenia Medvedeva shakes her head and smiles, cleaning her outfit from the ice flakes. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" She shouts, not only to Yuzuru but to the coaches, who are worried sick behind the rink.

"Yup, we're fine!" Yuzuru giggles at the other skaters who were watching them.

"By the way, Yuzu-san," Evgenia starts the conversation. "I'm sorry I couldn't come to your wedding reception."

"Pft, it's fine." Yuzuru nods before he skates away.

"I'm curious though!" Evgenia skates after him, laughing. "I haven't seen your wedding pictures. I don't know how your wife looks like, hehe."

"C'mon now, Medo. Let's focus on our training, okay?" Yuzuru wraps up the conversation and skates away. Once he stops, he closes his eyes for a few seconds.

And once he opens his eyes, it's game on mode.

She wouldn't want to disturb a focused Yuzuru.

Evgenia has always admired Yuzuru. Since the beginning of her skating career. Every competition they're assigned together were delightful for her. Playing around with Yuzuru at the Gala and meeting him behind the cameras makes her day. But then the media came and ruined everything. Sometimes she wonders if the media hadn't made such a big deal of their close friendship... Would they ever be... perhaps, more than friends?

But he's married now. Reality struck her. And so she wipes the single tear dropping from the corner of her eye, and skates toward Brian.

"Coach! Please work on my lutz today!"

disclaimer; I DO NOT ship Yuzuru and Evgenia irl. I like their interactions and friendship, but I don't obsessively want them to be together. And yes, in this story I made Evgenia likes Yuzu, but it's not an accurate representation of rl and you shouldn't even think of it, since us fans have basically ruined their friendship.

Why hello, everyone! First of all, I'm so sorry for the long hiatus. I have no other excuses but; school. I really want to complete my stories soon, so please look forward to it!

I was tagged by the lovely 94yuzu to do a 10 facts about me! Sooooo yeah let's get to know each other(ㆀ˘・з・˘)

1) My favorite Yuzu's program is Hope and Legacy💜

2) I write these stories on my phone. It's def more difficult than using laptops -0-

3) I love BTS! They have such meaningful concepts and wonderful songs *-*)/

4) I'm planning to get a tattoo of Yuzuru's name (kanji) on my finger.

5) I'm 17yo

7) I mostly get inspirations for my stories when I was in the bathroom lol

8) I'm a big j-pop fan. I listen to One OK Rock and Kenshi Yonezu on a daily basis😽

9) I. Love. Korean. Dramas.

10) I play the violin 🎻

And regarding who I want to tag to do this challenge.... Everyone!
Yes, you heard me. If you're reading this til the end, please comment 10 facts abt yourself! Reply to other comments! Make friends!

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