23,5. Black Silk

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! This chapter takes the same time as chapter 20-21. !

Asami Clark was tired.

The half Japanese woman had just come back from a business trip in Japan. She was invited to the Japan Medical Association meeting, as her father is one of the higher-ups. She spent a week in Japan before finally going back to Canada, where work is already waiting.

But although she was tired, she made sure she looks as professional and ready-to-work as usual. Her long black wavy hair is tied into a high ponytail. She did her make-up while on the cab, but her eyeliner was on point and her wine-colored lipstick perfectly completed her look. And she didn't forget her perfume, the lavender scented one she bought in South Korea when accompanying Yuzuru shopping the night before the Olympics.

As she looks at TCC building, Asami Clark sighed and went inside. I would kill to get some relax time, she thought. Regardless, she stepped inside

"Sensei!" Canarya greeted her at the entrance. "How was your trip?"

Asami Clark smiled, though her fatigue looks obvious. "It was alright. Is Lilith here?" She mentioned Lilith, the head nurse in TCC and her second-in-command.

"Yes, I believe she's at the medical room right now, Evgenia fell when she was training her jumps."

"Oof, Zhenya." She could imagine how Evgenia passionately works on her jumps only to fall and kiss the ice. Yikes.

Asami then decided to stop by the medical room. On her way there, she almost everyone noticed her return and greeted to welcome her, or at least gave her a smile. It was clear that Asami Clark is well-known and respected in the TCC community. She was especially dearly-loved by the athletes. Countless times accidents on the ice happen and Asami was the one to always give the first aid and rescue their asses.

Walking past the glass window that displays the cafetaria, Asami noticed an unfamiliar girl...crying?

Confused, Asami flinched her eyes to look better. The girl was hugging her knees, she had papers scattered on her table. Besides her, Yuzuru Hanyu was bending down to talk to her.

Well this is new, she thought. Asami thought it was his sister, but she realized her body is very different to Saaya's. Oh, then is she perhaps...

Not wanting to meddle with the married couple, she walked away and continue her way to the medical room. But to her surprise, Yuzuru was the one who bumped to her. "Zuzu?"

"Asami?" Yuzuru's eyes widened when he finally got a good look of her.

"You know, the other athletes usually call me Sensei." She replied.

"You're back? Already?" Yuzuru's right hand carry his duffel bag, which Asami noticed right away. "Yes, why do you sound like you don't want me to return this fast..." Asami said as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, why are you carrying your bag? Don't tell me you're going back already?"


"Why so soon? You haven't even had your check-up session with me."

Yuzuru seemed to consider his words a lot before answering, "My wife isn't feeling well."

My wife he said. Look at this bastard in love. Asami laughed at him for being too obedient, but Yuzuru didn't mind it and sticked his tongue out before rushing to the changing room. He probably want to change to go home ASAP with his wife.

Asami has heard that Yuzuru Hanyu was getting married a few months ago. She couldn't come to the wedding herself because she was in the UK solving a family problem regarding her sister, Ayano Clark. But the wedding pictures spread on Twitter, as #YuzuruWedding got on trending. Honestly, good for him. Asami has heard that it's an arranged marriage, but seeing how he treated her just now, it's obvious that he cares about his wife a lot.

Frankly, Asami didn't really care. She is a doctor, Yuzuru is her client. His private life is none of her business. And so, Asami walked to the medical room. Canarya was right, she found both Evgenia and Lilith chatting there.

"Hello, girls." Asami greeted with a smile after opening the door. The two girls turned their heads to Asami, their eyes widened.


"SAMI!" Lilith jumped up and pulled her into a tight hug. "You're back!"

Lilith has always been a really friendly person. She's good with people and her bubbly personality made people can't help but to like her. Puppy eyes, pale skin and short blond hair, her adorable features caused her to be popular among everyone as well. Lilith is that one girl who's loved by everyone. It's what caused Asami to trust her so much. She feels comfortable around Lilith and Lilith does her job fantastically as a nurse. Together, Asami and Lilith were the dream team.

Asami chuckled, returning the hug. She then turns to Evgenia. "Zhenya, you didn't get any serious injury, did you?"

"No, Sensei, don't worry." Evgenia chuckled. "I just was too excited because Javi is here."

"Javi? As in... Fernandez?"

"Yes!" Evgenia's eyes sparkled. "I surprised Yuzu by bringing Javi here, haha."

"Speaking of Yuzu!" Lilith steered the conversation. "Have you guys seen the wedding pic—"

"Now, now, girls." Asami cut in as she sit on her desk, where a pile of documents were stacked. "Let's not gossip at work."

"Sami's right." Lilith agreed right away. Evgenia looked a bit disappointed, but what Lilith said the next second got her excited again. "Then what about we go outside work to talk about it?"

"OMG yes!" Evgenia held back her scream. "It's been a while since the last time we hung out."

"Better yet, what if we go to his house and see the real deal for ourselves?"

author's note;
thank you for reading<3 andd I'm sorry for the boring chapter, but I want to give an insight to the new characters.

What do you guys think of Asami and Lilith so far?

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