2,5. Hours before the reception

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She has flinched for god knows how many times just this ten minutes. When the dresser tighten the corset til she can barely breathe, when the hairstylist pulls her hair too hard, when the make-up girl accidentally stab her eye with eyeliner stick.

Oh lord, Reika Fueguchi sighes. Wedding is a pain.

"Done?" She smiles happily when the dresser tighten the bow of the dress to her waist. Finally.

"Nope." The dresser says, as she takes another layer of the kimono.

Reika silently lets out a scream of frustration.


"Yuzu, you ready?" As soon as Saya Hanyu enters the room, her mouth shapes an O. Seeing his little brother once again on a wedding kimono, looking so handsome and masculine. "Woah."

"What's with the "woah"? Am I finally handsome now?" Yuzuru says sarcastically.

Saya chuckles at that, "Just can't believe my little brother get married before me."

"Oh don't remind me." Yuzuru closes his eyes im disbelief. Til now he still couldn't accept this "wedding" with all of his heart. The Fueguchi daughter-Reika, is a very beautiful girl and a lovely person, but she's obviously too young for him. Her playful attitude reminds him of a five years old child. And Yuzuru isn't ready for marriage at the first place.

"Do you like your bride?"

Yuzuru glares at her sister. Really?

"What?" Saaya laughs innocently, ignoring Yuzuru's frustation. "Reika is a nice girl. I like her."

"Reika-san is..." Yuzuru couldn't find the right words. "Either way, I think both of us aren't ready for this, Neesan."

"Oh quit whining, boy." Saaya shakes Yuzuru's shoulder. "None of us are ready for marriage. Do it for our family."

Yuzuru pouts. "I should be in Toronto right now, training."

"Not with that ankle you won't."

"Ah right," Yuzuru takes a look at his ankle. He came home to get a further check and heal his ankle, but because of this marriage it has to wait again, and he has to takes a bunch of painkillers to get through the days. "I forgot."

"No worries," Saya winks at him. "We've booked your doctor for tommorow. If you can come, that is."

"Ah, arigatou, Neesan."

"You sure you can come, though?"


"I don't know, maybe you want to... " Saaya gives him the look. "Honey-honey with your wifey?"

"Oh geez," Yuzuru rolls his eyes. "There's no way I'll lay with her. She's underaged, what the heck."

"Oh shut up Yuzu, it will probably change after tonight, after the reception." Saaya chuckles again. "Besides, she's legal for marriage, so she's not underaged."

"In Canada the legal age is nineteen," he shrugs. Saaya immediately shouts booes. "Traitor! Boo! You're Canadian now? Get out of Japan, then, traitooooooorrrrrrrr."

Yuzuru laughs, like he hasn't these few days. "Just sayin, okay?! I'm still loyal to Jap-" a flying pillow towards his face stops his speech, while Saaya jumps around, victorious of her precise aim at Yuzuru's face. "KILL THE TRAITOR!"


Reika looks at her reflection on the mirror, and she freezes.

The sunrays shine to her, her eyes widen as she looks at the girl on the mirror, staring straight back at her.

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