20. Mysteries and Missions

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*to the tune of American Pie*

a long long time ago, I can still remember when Kami used to update frequently~ and I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those readers smile~ and maybe they'd be happy for a while~

but october made me shiver~ with every chapter I wouldn't deliver~ bad news on the doorstep~ I couldn't write, one more chapter~


"What the hell even is that?"

"Do you think it's real?"

Sasuke shrugged. The current topic of conversation was intriguing, but with very little proof to back it up. "It could easily be a slight of hands, deductions, lies, a misdirection. It's actually a pretty useful skill to have."

"As a shinobi, sure!" Sakura threw her hands up in the air, an annoyed look crossing her features. "But not as a god damn psychic!"

"I wanna try."

"Naruto!" Sakura gasped dramatically. "For shame! Why the hell would you want to waste your money like that?"

"You seem awfully passionate about this." Sasuke noted. A glare and a huff were sent his way, though they focused back on Naruto as he thought through his answer.

"I dunno." Naruto shrugged. "It's not actually that expensive, and seems interesting. Besides," his smile turned sheepish, a light pink dusting his features. "Neji's kinda into that stuff. I want to check it out!"

Sakura's nose scrunched up distastefully. "Neji?" She echoed. "I'd think he'd be sensible enough not to buy into that kind of crap."

Naruto frowned a bit, as though personally offended on Neji's behalf. "He's not super invested in it, nor does he think it's completely true. he just likes doing the palm reading and tarot cards. He said something about it being calming, and a way to reflect on his past actions. Apparently, meditation didn't work for him."

"I guess that makes sense..."

"Well are we going in or not?" The newest Hatake sighed. "Because the old lady inside is eyeing us like she's about to set a curse on us."

"Sure, let's go! It can't hurt, right?"

"Hello dearies."

The trio spun around to see the smiling old woman that was in the store just a millisecond ago, dressed in silk garments and beads.

"Holy fuck!"


Today, they'd be weeding a garden. Afterwards, re-shelving all the books in the library. After that, one more mission of helping out some Academy kids before resuming training.

"Thank you all ever so much." The man smiled, back slouched as his wrinkled face turned downward to look at the genin team. "I'm afraid time has got the best of me, and my grandson hasn't grasped the delicacy and dedication of a garden quite yet."

Sakura grunted, yanking out yet another weed.

"Your lemon tree isn't growing right." Naruto pointed out quietly.

The old man followed his gaze and frowned. "I suppose, yes. It's such a shame. My grandson actually picked it out, though we both couldn't understand what was wrong."

"How often have you been watering it? Or, your grandson, I mean."

"Hm...I believe once every nine days?"

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