12. Meetings

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Naruto was only slightly nervous. As per usual.

But today was special. He was going to be meeting his dad's boyfriend.

Would he be nice? Was he good enough for Kakashi? Would he hate Naruto? Many questions ran through his head. TenTen tried to assure him that he was a pretty nice guy and Naruto would love him, but he was still skeptical.

Kakashi didn't try to assure Naruto. He was too busy pacing around the kitchen, muttering and coming up with theories for Naruto's possible crush. Which boy did he have to thank for making Naruto realize he was gay?

Naruto was pretty sure he made a whole bulletin board with evidence connected by red string, but he wouldn't judge.


"I don't think I'm ready to do this." Croaked Naruto.

TenTen rolled her eyes. "You're fine! Besides, he has to like you if he wants to stay with Kakashi. You're his boyfriend's son!"

Naruto narrowed his eyes, shooting a small glare at his friend. "Not helping." He mumbled.

"Sorry Naru." She apologized sincerely. "I'm just trying to help calm your nerves." TenTen sighed, glancing at the clock. "I've got to go and study. Good luck!"

She waved goodbye and exited the room.

Naruto shook his head. "You'll do great!" He shouted after her. He turned his attention back in front of him.

Fiddling with the sleeve of his sweater, Naruto gazed at the mirror.

He was wearing a cream sweater with a stripe of blue across the top, and black pants. As usual, Naruto had on two black fingerless gloves.

Kakashi appeared behind him, eyes crinkling in a smile. He ruffled his son's hair. "You'll be fine."

Naruto grinned up at his father, his eyes lighting up. He nodded.

"Shall we?" Kakashi gestured to the open front door.

Naruto exhaled, and stepped out of the house and into the daylight.


He was nice.

Naruto carefully observed his dad's boyfriend. Jonas Yaiki. Dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes like the sky on a sunny day, and a green flannel shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.

He loved cracking jokes and was pretty touchy with Kakashi, but Naruto would let that slide after seeing how much his dad smiled.

TenTen politely declined their offer to join them, saying she had to study more for the graduation exam despite both Kakashi and Naruto's assurances that she would pass with flying colors.

They agreed to meet at the nearby park, and since then Naruto had been observing Jonas carefully. He was all smiles, and seemed polite enough.

"Hi there! You must be Naruto. I've heard a lot about you."  His bright blue eyes were startlingly alike to Naruto's, sparkling brightly.

Naruto regarded the man in front of him. "All good, I hope." He mused, shaking the hand that he offered.

Jonas laughed, and Naruto subtly noticed how Kakashi's eyes brightened. "My, you've got quite a strong grip!"

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