400 Special Crossover Thing????

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A lot of you guys were actually excited for this? And I'm kind of scared for when you read it and get super disappointed but

HAHAHAHAHAHA you don't need to have read my other books to understand this, butttt it'd be pretty cool if you did..no pressure or anything...

Oh right this chapter'll be a long boi


Ken crossed her arms, furrowing her brow. Plastered onto the community house was "MEETING: CHARACTERS." Under the sign, in neat cursive, was Existential_CrisisTM.

"That's new." She decided pointing out the obvious would be easiest. Naruto snorted, quick to agree.

Sasuke didn't share their amusement, instead taking a step closer. He swore, for a second, his name appeared on the list taped by the door. He took another step.

"Sasuke?" Ken was about to turn around before she caught the odd look in his eye. "What is it?"

"Hold on." He finally was close enough to see it. Sure enough, the paper read:

Organized by "Kami"

-Kakashi Hatake
-Naruto Hatake
-TenTen Hatake (Akiga)
-Neji Hyuuga

-Ken Mitarashi
-Naruto Uzumaki
-Sasuke Uchiha

-Sakura Haruno
-Shikamaru Nara
-Hinata Hyuuga

-Kiba Inuzuka
-Sasuke Uchiha

This didn't make any sense. Sick? Call Me Dad? Wilting Flowers? What were those? If anything, they sounded like terrible FanFiction titles. But it didn't explain the names.

His name, his friends, even people he'd vaguely heard of. Naruto Hatake stood out to him as well. There was only one Naruto in the whole village, and one Naruto was more than enough. His own name was there twice.

Sasuke's teammates neared, looking just as confused. Great. So they weren't responsible for this.

"Kami?" Naruto scratched the back of his head. "As in, god? Creator of life?"

Ken facepalmed. "Really?! Our names are on here, both of yours names twice, but you focus on some party host's alias?" She ignored Naruto's small shrug and peered inside, frowning. "I dunno why...but I think we should go in."

They did have a free day, and were curious to find out more. Ken herself had a weird pull inside, as if something in her very making was telling her to go in. So they did.


"Dad?" Naruto gestured to the guest list. "Do you..have anything you've been meaning to tell us? Do you know anything?"

Kakashi shook his head, gazing thoughtfully inside. "No, I'm afraid not."

Fiddling with his fingers awkwardly, Neji wasn't really sure why he was there. He couldn't remember much past stumbling upon the community building. It wasn't a shinobi area, in fact, it was in the center of a civilian street. But something felt different.

TenTen didn't remark anything, or speak up as she usually did. She stared, enraptured by the guest list. There was her name. Sure, her friends were there too, but this "Kami" put her as TenTen Hatake.

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