11. The Closet

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I'm pretty excited about this chapter oh my god—


Naruto sighed contently, sinking into the couch with TenTen by his side.

TenTen sipped her tea, hands wrapped around the ceramic cup. She had a small smile.

Things were peaceful.

It had been almost 2 weeks since Mia had burst through the door in tears. She had now recovered and was relaxed around Naruto and his companions. They tracked down the dirtbag who had been abusing her and he would be given his sentence in a few days. 

Until permanent plans were arranged, she would be staying with the Naras. Yoshino was delighted to care for a young girl, and Shikamaru had just yawned and taught her how to play shogi. He looked pleased though, so there was that.

Naruto perked up as the front door quietly opened with a small 'click'. Kakashi was home. With a blinding grin, Naruto stood and launched himself at Kakashi. He hugged him tightly.

TenTen smiled, though she didn't launch herself in for a hug. "Welcome home, Kakashi." She said this with a great deal of content.


Kakashi smiled. "Great to see you too, TenTen. Are you all up for some training?" His eyes twinkled with mischievousness.

Naruto and TenTen nodded furiously. After laying down the basics and groundwork, they were forced to train alone as Kakashi rarely had time to be there nowadays. Occasionally he'd give them a jutsu scroll to learn, but it was mainly independent studying.

"Alright. Follow me, then."


TenTen groaned, her body weak and tired.

Naruto shared the sentiment, sprawled on the grass in the shade of a nearby apple tree. "I wish I could got to sleep...and never wake up.." He curled into the fetal position on the floor.

"My bones..." TenTen complained.

Kakashi stood nearby, grinning. "Come on, get up. You guys worked hard, and deserve a treat."

In a millisecond, they were up and in front of Kakashi, eyes sparkling. "Treat?"

Kakashi smiled. "Yes. Now hurry up or I'll eat all of it."


Naruto smiled. Next to him, TenTen was chatting to Kakashi about something or another. Across from them Kakashi was nodding along.

"So you think you're prepare to graduate?" Kakashi questioned.

Naruto spat out his drink. Was it that soon?

"Naru! Calm down, will ya?" TenTen sighed as Naruto choked.

"You're gonna graduate already!?"

TenTen avoided his stare. Softly, she spoke. "N-not for a few months, no."

Naruto also refused to look at her. "But after that.."

"Yeah. I'll graduate to a genin." She turned to face him. "But that doesn't mean anything! I can still hang out with you, and train every other Thursday-"

Naruto teared up. "No you won't! You'll have your own team, and y-you'll hang out with them everyday, training, going on missions, sleepovers!" Naruto also turned to face his friend, gazing into her crestfallen eyes. "You'll leave me, and I'll be all alone again."

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