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The weekend seemed to go by extremely fast. I was not able to finish the homework Mrs.Holler gave me, but I figured that I'd just talk my way out of it, because that seemed significantly easier than the work itself.

Luckily for me, she didn't show up to class on Monday or Tuesday, and we had a substitution. I tried very hard to not sleep during those classes, and maybe get some homework done, but I had been lacking on sleep, and couldn't stop myself.

Tuesday night, I walked back from dinner with Levi.
Levi was going to come over to finish the episode of friends we had started before dinner.

I noticed that my keys were not with me, and knocked on the door.

Moments later, Scarlett opened the door sheepishly smiling.

"Hey," she grinned standing between the wall and the door,

"Hi...?" I replied, trying to get through.

"Ryan's over, you mind stayed at Levi's for a while," she asked.

"Yeah sure," I scoffed.

I followed Levi back to his room, after Scarlett gave me my laptop. Levi, Ryan and some other guy called James were roommates, and he seemed to be out as well, so it was just Levi and me.

After finishing the remaining of our episode, I pulled open my laptop, and tried finishing an assignment. I was however just sitting there with my laptop infront of me as I scrolled through my phone.

A while later, the door creaked open, and Jacob walked in.

James, Levi's other roommate came in as well, and somehow, there we were, paying Uno on Ryan's bed. I'm not sure how or why, but in the next 10 minutes, another 3 guys joined us as well.

"Your fucking cheating,"

"I'm not cheating,"

"Yes you are, you're cheating like you cheated on Sarah Beth,"

"What the fuck is your problem Scott," 

"Will you two shut the fuck up,"

Yeah, that went on till about 11pm, it was unpleasant at best.

"She is hot," One of the guys said, I won't bother with names though, it's irrelevant.

"She's your geography teacher," I said, shaking my head.

"Hot geography teacher,"


"Isn't she like married or something," someone else said,

"Nah bro, she's single actually,"

"How'd you know,"

"She told me," he smirked.

"Your still a minor, it would be illegal," someone said,

"Only for 3 more months,"

That was pretty much as subsistantial any conversation that I vitnessed was.

At about 11, the door burst open, and Ryan walked in, with a stupid smile planted on his face.

"Ayee Maxwell, did you get some," some guy cheered as Ryan shut the door behind him. This other guy was very much drunk, he had been drinking rum for the past hour and a half.

Ryan looked at the guy and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why are you here," he said taking his watch off.

"Who were you with, Scarlett? I'll give it to you she's pretty hot, she's got a-

"What the fuck is your problem man," Ryan said, jumping forwards, and grabbing him by his collar.

They now stood next to each other nearly wrestling, as a few others tried to stop them. I sat there with my nose scrunched up, annoyed with the entire situation, and I wanted to leave more than anything.

How I managed to sit there and say or do nothing to that douche of a guy is something I could never figure out.

See, it's not my fault when I say that most guys suck.

I then heard a loud knock on the door, and everyone's heads turned to the front door of the room.

Ryan peeped through the peeping hole,

"One second," he said, loudly to the person on the outside.

"You need to leave, it's Frank." he whispered to me.

Frank was the security gaurd that was at our building.
The guys and girls were allowed in each other's dorms, but only before 8 or 9pm. They didn't really check very often, but if like any other rule here, if it was broken, you'd be suspended or given detention or something.


I sighed, hopping off the bed, and pulling the window open.

"Open up boys, what's going on!" The voice said from outside the room.

"Bye," I said quickly, and looked down. It was just from the second floor, I'd done worse, I thought, as I leaped off the ledge, falling straight down.

"Ah fuck," I mumbled as I landed, feeling pain shoot up my foot through my left ankle, I sat down, holding my injured foot, trying to fix it.

"What the fuck," I heard from a few feet away.
I looked up, and saw Aiden, with a workout bag around his shoulder, and his t-shirt drenched in sweat.

"Hayley?" He asked softly,

"Hey," I replied, getting up slowly.

"You good?"

"Yep," I replied, limping slightly

He chuckled, and we walked back to the front of the building.

I headed back to my room, which was empty. Scarlett texted me, she was showering, and I just layed down on my bed, and starred up at my ceiling with a bunch of random thoughts running through my head.

"Hey," Scarlett said a couple minutes later, walking through the front door.

"Hi, how was today?" I asked letting out a small laugh.

"Good," she laughed back. "What did you do,"

"We played uno,"

"Thats fun," she said, putting a hoddie on.

"You'd be surprised," I scoffed.

"I was going to go shopping tomorrow, I need to buy my aunt a gift for her birthday, you wanna come?"

"Yeah sure," I replied, sitting up.

"We'll grab lunch as well?"

"Yeah I heard about this new Thai place,"

"Also......Ryan asked me out to dinner this Friday," she said smiling like a little child.

"Yayy, finally, God. What are you going to wear," I asked smiling with her.

"Yeah, I was hoping I could borrow your red heels, because I have this dress,"

"Sure!" I chuckled.

I starred back up at the roof and let out a breath.

"Its nice finally having a roommate," she said, after a small pause.

"Yeah, for me too,"

She lived alone last year, and my roommate was scary....and was hardly ever in my room either ways.

We talked for an hour about all kinds of things after we turned the light off, until she fell asleep mid sentence, and I let out a a laugh.

I stayed up for a but longer, starring out of my window at the faint stars, until I slowly fell asleep.


Dreamland [editing]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon