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"Everyone give it up for the man, the myth the legend, Dominic Wesley," The commentator yelled enthusiastically into the megaphone.

The crowd erupted with loud cheers while Jacob's cousin, dripped in sweat and blood as he exited the rink.

He spat out a gooey red liquid, and wiped his bare torso with a towel, as a small group of people crowded him, congratulating him, and shaking his hand.

Asher didn't box today. He was supposed to, but he chickened out last minute, said that he injured his shoulder playing football.

I don't blame him though, Jake's cousin.  looked scary as fuck, I'd probably chicken out as well.

As the crowd dispersed into smaller groups, I noticed that we were standing with Jacob's cousin. Jacob was talking to him, and we congratulated him as he put a shirt on, covering his bulky muscles.

"Hayley..Jones, you're really sober now huh," he said, shaking my hand, and wiping his face with the back of his other palm. "Congrats on that," he smiled, moving on to Levi and giving him a hug.

We didn't come here through summer, at least I didn't. The guys came a few times, but that was all suring the beginning of our vacations.

"Okay, I have somewhere to be, I'll see you guys later," he said, packing his things into his bag, and walking away.

"Aiden, great to see you again, you'll be here Frida?" I heard someone say, as multiple people greeted him.

They seemed to know him pretty well.

He had taken off his blazer and tie, and left the top few buttons of his untucked shirt open, attractively.

I met a few people as well, and almost everyone said things like "damn you really have changed," or "wow, that's something," and even the occasional "that's no fun,", it was like going back to school on the first day all over again.

I was sitting on the edge of the rink between Jacob and Aiden, waiting from Levi to come back from the washroom, as the spoke about other people here.

"Yeah man, he started lifting and now he's huge," Jake said, popping a piece of gum into his mouth.

I was slightly uncomfortable in my dress, and played with the ends of it, when suddenly both Jacob and Aiden stiffened and stood up from beside me.

I looked up, trying to figure out what happened, and stood up as well, sort of as an instinct, and saw three standing opposite, looking at us quiet intimidatingly. The one in the front looked super familiar, but for some reason I wasn't able to place him.

"Aiden," he smirked, tilting his head to the side.

"Jax," Aiden said, calmly, but his name didn't really ring a bell either.

"It's been a while," he scoffed.

The air around me was tense, making me slightly uncomfortable.

I looked at the guy, trying to place him, when he looked back at me and smirked with an annoying look planted on his face.

God, men, ugh.

I rolled my eyes, clenched my jaw, and just fucking exited myself from the situation. It was pretty funny, I just pushed past him, and walked over to Ryan and Scarlett who were a few feet away.

"What's wrong?" Scarlett asked,

I starred at my nail, picking at the nailpolsih, "I don't know, they're having a stupid stare down over there,"

"Ah shit," Ryan said.

I turned to look back, and saw Aiden standing less than an inch away from the other guy, as his fkn sculpted jaw moved back and forth as he spoke.

The guy...Jax? Lifted his arms in the air, and took a few steps back.

I couldn't make out what they were saying, but very soon Levi was back from the bathroom, and we decided to leave, Aiden and Jacob walked away from those other guys, and joined us.


"Well we haven't been there during summer, but he we hardly saw him last year," Jacob said, when Aiden asked him something.

I was a little distracted, and no one seemed like they were going to explain much to me right now anyway, so I sort of let myef get lost in my own head, which was pretty easy considering the number of stupid thoughts I get.

They all seemed to know this Jax guy or whatever, and didn't seem to like him very much.

By the time we ordered our food reached our table, the topic had changed, they spoke about Dominic's big win, and just general things.

"I'll go get it," I said, getting up. We were at a fast food place, so they wouldn't serve us at out table.

"I'll come as well," Jacob said,

"Did you have fun tonight?" Jake asked as we walked to the counter.


"Yeah, yeah..How was the gallary?"

" mom was there, it was sort of weird,"



We picked up the trays and began walking back to our table.

"I spoke to Spencer, he asked about you," Jake said, nearly laughing.

"Ugh fuck off," I laughed.

Spencer was this huge jerk of a guy, that I went on like one date with, once, a long time ago, but was super fucking clingy and creepy to a point that I had to block him social Media.

"What did you say,"

"I told him to fuck off " Jake said, placing the tray on the table once we reached.

"Good," I said, picking up a potato fry and biting it.

The rest of the night was pretty fun.
Once we reached, we watched a movie together in Ryan's room. Sneakng back to our dorm was a little difficult because Scarlett's newly discovered pollen allergies got triggered, and she kept sneezing, making it difficult to walk past Frank, the security gaurd, who was fast asleep, without waking him up.



Hii! Just wanted to check if anyone's actually reading aahaha! How are you liking it so far!

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