fifty four

256 18 31

On our way back down, Mason and JJ met us half way, and we went down the test of the way together.

Scarlett and Ryan went for a long walk, and managed to somehow find the beach. After a small phone call, they moved all our things, including the rested van and bikes to the famous site.

We were just about an hour away, when literally out of the fucking blue,

"Oh god no," Levi said.

"What's wrong," Mason asked.

"I felt a drop of water, I think it's-


When I said out of the blue I meant that quiet literally. The clouds had moved away, the sky was blue, and it suddenly started raining, and it was getting heavier by the second.

"Oh god," Jacob sighed, as we rushed under a tree for shelter.

There wasn't a tree that could actually provide decent shelter for all of us, and so we unfortunately ended up getting a little wet.

"Wait we have two umbrellas," Mason said.

JJ opened his bag, and pulled out two umbrellas, handing one of them to Mason, and the other to Aiden.

Mason held his umbrella open above Jake and I, and we stood there huddled up while the rain splashed off the ground, and onto my shoes.

I wasn't necessarily very comfortable with the given situation, but I loved the rain, and from where we were standing, everything around me looked insanly beautiful.

The trees were dancing as crystal looking drops bounced off of their leaves, and gracefully splashed onto the ground.

"You like the rain huh?" Mason asked from beside me.

"Hah, yeah I do..." I said softly.

I looked over at Aiden, who seemed to be lost in the rain himself, and smiled to myself.

"God, it's cold," I mumbled.

"You want my jacket?" Mason asked, as he'd been holding his Jacket in his arms the entire time.

"No, that's fine. I have mine...thanks though," I said, letting out a small laugh.

"Jake," I said, and he gave me my jacket from the bag he was holding.

I looked over at Aiden you playfully rolled his eyes, and I gave him a small smile.

About 15 minutes later, the rain died down, and we headed back.

The walk was less enjoyable because of the mud and slush that was threatening to slip into my shoes.

After we reached our hotel at Hudson falls, we only had to walk for about 20 minutes to reach the beach.

"You guys can stay in this tent. The bathrooms over there, and there's good food at that café," Mason said once we reached.

"What, do you own the place or something?" Scarlett asked.

Scarlett and Ryan spent the entire day on the beach. They had a little picnic and it was pretty cute.

"My uncle does," Mason said,

I then decided that I was going to shower first, and took a really really nice shower.

I was pretty tired so just sort of sat on the beach and listened to music for a while.

Later that night we headed to the café for dinner. The energy there was amazing. They played loud music, and a bunch of half drunk people were doing karaoke.

Dreamland [editing]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ