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A peeping sound in the distance filled my ears. It was the only sound to be heard other than that of someone snoring. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt heavy as if they weighed a ton.

My arms did not move at my command and neither did my legs. I started to squirm a little, but the resistance that my body was putting up only made me panic.

"Wh—" My words clung to my tongue, refusing to come out. My breathing hitched up, becoming uneven. I tried to clear my vision, but all I saw was darkness. Voices appeared from all around me, the one overlapping the other. I gulped, but there was nothing to swallow. My mouth, throat, even my lips felt dry.

'The hell is going on?' I asked myself.

This very question jump started my blank mind to once again work. Flashes of the accident swarmed my mind, causing a heavy headache. The voices around me became louder as the peeping sound became faster. It felt like I was moving, but my body was still very much in the same statuesque state.

"Get a doctor in here." A voice roared. It was a voice I had heard before but I could not quite put my finger on who it belonged to.

The headache became more painful with every second, so much so that I could feel the pain in every part of my body. One side of my limbs felt heavier than the other.

My eyes were still trying to adjust to the darkness that surrounded them, hopelessly navigating their way to escape the dark and find the light—  find a clear vision.

"Mr. Mulaney, calm down." I heard an unknown voice near my ear.

My mind seemed to be perfectly fine but it was no longer in control of my body, my body had formed a consciousness of its own.

"Mr. Mulaney, can you hear me?" The same voice asked.

The air around me became thick, too thick to travel through my mouth and nose to provide me with oxygen. My lungs felt empty and the thoughts that occupied my mind slowly disappeared.

Soon enough my upstairs joined my vision in the darkness. My mind seemed to have reached the absolute level of emptiness. It was literally clear, perhaps a little too clear.

My hearing on the other hand was still focused on the sounds around me, unable to process where they were coming from. The only voice that I could understand clearly was the one that was telling me to calm down.

"Doctor, we're losing him."

"Dimitri." A soft voice suddenly called out. It was sweet and calm, yet it was laced with worry and fear. It trembled a bit, as though the person it came from was on the verge of crying.

'Mother?' I called out without a sound.

"He's calming down." The other voice floated into my ears again.

The stinging pain on my left side caused me to cut my breath short, but I was once again breathing. My eyelids slowly opened, making tears that I did not know where hiding, sprung free.

The tears felt hot against my skin. It burned the left side of my face, making a soft groan escape my parting lips.

Bright, blinding lights shined straight into my eyes, making my eyelids flutter up and down. I groaned, because it was the only thing I could do.

"Mr. Mulaney, can you hear me?"

I attempted to move my head, but it only made it spin. It felt like I had a really bad hangover that caused my whole body to be on fire.

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