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"Okay, what's going on?" Leighton stood with his hands on his hips, staring down at me with a frown. "First, you cancel two sessions. Now, you show up with an attitude. Your body won't cooperate if your mind doesn't tell it to. So, what's happening?"

I sighed as I stopped moving my legs. "I've just been— stressed."

"Is it the wedding planning?" He crossed his arms.

Wedding planning, right. I never bothered to tell him that the wedding was canceled. Or that I realized on our engagement party that I did not want to spend the rest of my life with my fiance.

"A lot has happened in the past few weeks. My breakup with Gia is just one of the many situations." I breathed out.

"Hhmm," he nodded. "I understand how hard it must've been to deal with that. You were a lovely couple." He said, surely just to be nice as Gia was everything except friendly towards him.

"Hmm," my lips curved into a sarcastic smile. "Well, it wasn't meant to be. I guess."

"Okay, you have my full understanding for what's going on internally. But, I'm not going to let you slip back to where you were months ago. I'm still going to push you to do better. I want to see you walking without a cane. This is your five minute break, try and get your energy up."

I took a few sips of water as I tried to concentrate, which was particularly hard considering I had not gotten much sleep since I last spoke to Nuelle. Dreaming now only happened when I was awake and every time it involved her. The only reason I was still awake for my session with Leighton was due to the two cups of black coffee I had consumed for the early morning.


"Yeah." I said though I was zoned out and only saw him when he was standing right in front of my face. We continued nonstop until my session was over which was about one and a half hour later. Two hours, once a week was definitely better than one hour every other day.

I glanced at my clock as I awaited to be picked up. Ten-thirty, the moment I saw the time my heart went through a sudden rush. I started to feel light and the air felt thicker with every breath I took. My hand clasped around my cane, I was nervous. Emmanuelle and Marco were expected to reach home around this time. It should not have mattered to me, because I would not be able to hug her or tell her that I missed her. Yet, it did matter. It mattered so much that my heart was turning black at the thought of her choosing my brother. Luckily, this thought was cut short when Christoph pulled into the driveway of the facility. Like always, he got out of the car and assisted me to my seat.

"Is Emillio home already?"

"Yes, sir. He and the others had just arrived when I was about to leave."

"Marissa and Anthony?"

"Marissa is still at work. Sadly, I haven't seen Anthony since yesterday."

I gulped. Anthony had not been himself ever since I blurted out that my sister was cheating on him. The very fact that he was still at the house and Marissa had not been acting hysterical was proof that he had not brought it up yet. I never meant to hurt the relationship I had with my sister, but my heart ached for Anthony. To live in the dark, loving someone who does not have the slightest amount of respect for that love— that is brutal. Well, that— and the bitterness I was feeling from Nuelle's phone call were all motivation for my dangerous spill. The front door of the house was wide open when we reached the gate. Marco and Emillio were busy taking the luggage out of the trunk of the car and carrying it inside. Marco stopped and turned towards us when he saw us approaching the house. He waited on me until I had gotten out.

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