49 | M + E

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Nuelle and Marco had long driven away from the house, but somehow I was still staring at where I last saw them. Every bone in my body blamed me for thinking that staying quiet was the best choice. Drowning in self pity was not what I had my mind set on. I had promised myself that I would confess my feelings for her the first chance I could get. But, after she openly admitted to being in some sort of situation with my brother, I realized that maybe I did not have a chance to begin with.

I only ever wanted to keep my family safe and happy. Yet, somehow this code that I lived by only caused our destruction. When Tia and Christoph drove into the driveway I urged myself to move. There was no need for them to question me on why I was standing in the damn hallway for no apparent reason. I took a deep breath before I opened the door to my bedroom. I had expected something to be thrown at me which is why I carefully walked in. My eyes scanned the room for her when she was nowhere to be seen. I closed the door behind me and took one more look around the room.

"Gia?" No answer. I headed into the bathroom and found her sitting on the floor near the toilet, crying her eyes out. She had pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them.

"If you don't want to go through with this then just say it!"

"Get up." I walked up to her.

"Don't!" She moved away from me. "Answer me."

I sighed, "I never said anything about not wanting to get married."

She stayed quiet for a second. Her eyes staring me down, whatever was going on in her head was happening fast.

"Then I want to elope."

"What? You've already started with the preparations. You were the one who picked out the date."

"And now I'm deciding that I want to elope."

"Gia", I paused to collect my thoughts. "What is this about?"

"You want this or not. If yes, then we elope."

"I'm not eloping. I have too much shit to deal with as is, I'm not doing something that reckless only to have to deal with your people afterwards. The wedding will go as planned!"

I turned on my heel and headed to my office. Gia was known to overreact, however something else seemed to be at play here. She was the type of person to find joy in glamorizing every detail of her life, eloping was most certainly not an element of that category.

I opened up my laptop to check work e-mails to catch up. I was ready to make my return to the office. There was still much that needed to be taken care off and I had lost sight of the importance of maintaining the well being of our business. I needed to get back on track which is why I sent an email to Lana, letting her know about my return as well as to have her plan a staff meeting. Not long after I got the notification that I received an e-mail. I had just turned towards my laptop to click on the notification when a knock on my door disrupted the process of doing so.

"Busy." I said, thinking that it was Gia.

"Mattia?" Marissa's voice called out to me instead.

"Come in."

She walked in with her head hanging low, eyes reddened and puffy. I sat back in my chair and waited until she was seated.

"To what do I owe this visit?" I asked curiously.

There was a brief moment of silence before she said the most random, shocking thing.

"I'm in love with Tobias." She murmured as she blankly stared at my desk.

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