03 | E

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My eyes were glued to the delicious spaghetti that Tia had made, but unfortunately I did not have much of an appetite anymore.

"Finish up Nuelle, you still need to pack." Tia softly said after she looked at the clock.

I responded with a small nod before I got up and went to my room, passing Anthony on the way there. I did not once look at him, but I could feel his eyes on me.

The moment I pushed my bedroom door shut I threw myself on the bed to gather my thoughts, but my mind felt so empty due to all the mixed feelings.

After laying down for a few minutes I got up. I climbed on my chair and pulled down one of the suitcases I had stored away at the top my closet. I then quickly went through my clothes and took a few items from the rack before turning to the ones that were hanging.

What is the weather in Seattle like again?

I chose a few different pieces but not too many, hoping that we would not have to stay for too long. I also decided to change my outfit and put on a mid-thigh flowy dress.

There was hardly any time to fold the clothes, so I basically just stuffed them in the suitcase along with my undergarments and a few beauty products.

"Nuelle?" Tia softly knocked on the door.

I did not answer, so Tia let herself in. She stood in front of the door, watching me as I looked around my room. I looked at my paintings, the art on the wall, my vision board that held my inspirational quotes and random pictures.

Tears prickled my eyes as I took everything in. As much as Tia had tried to console me that everything would be all right, I simply could not take her word for it.

The last time I had to leave a place I called home I was told the same thing. I was told that we would soon return to the place we had left but then eight years passed and we did not once go back. Eventually the place we had moved to became our home and now we were about to leave this one as well.

I inhaled a deep breath before turning to Tia with a sad smile on my face. She reached out to me and pulled me into a hug, once again whispering that everything was going to be all right before Anthony came calling us.

I pushed my suitcase into the hall which he then carried whilst we followed him to the car. He told us to get in whilst he went back into the house for the other suitcases. He quickly returned and as he was locking up the house tears started to roll down my cheeks. Not wanting Tia to see how saddend I was, I quickly wiped them away.

Anthony got into the car and the driver drove off.

We did not live too far from the airport, so it was a quick ride. Anthony and the chauffeur immediately got out of the car when it stopped. I froze.

"Nuelle, you need to get out of the car."

I looked to my right to see Anthony holding the door open for me, his face was straight and his voice was not as friendly as it usually was. I gulped as I got out of the car. He had Tia and I wait with the suitcases as he and the driver exchanged a few words.

"He hasn't told me how long we'll be staying, so just take care of the house. I'll contact you if anything comes up." I heard him say before they parted ways.

Does this man work for them too?

"Let's go." Anthony started walking in front of us. After checking in we boarded the plane since we did not have long before take off. Tia sat next to me whilst Anthony sat across from us.

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