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"Okay, you got this. Keep going. Deep breaths. Deep breaths." Dr. Leighton kept repeating as he pushed Dimitri's right leg up.

The closer his thigh got to his chest, the louder Dimitri's grunts became.

"Deep breaths Mr. Mulaney."

"I'm fucking trying." Dimitri's face was red and shiny because of his sweat.

This was the third session that week. Dr. Leighton was full of motivation, but none of his words seemed to reach Dimitri. So far they had about nine sessions, each one lasting about an hour.

"Hold. Ho—"

"I CAN'T." His leg started to shake.

"Okay. Okay, easy. Easy," Dr. Leighton assisted him in putting down his leg. "How do we feel?" He asked as his hands rested on his hips.

Dimitri took in a deep breath. "Doesn't feel like it's working."

"It takes time Mattia. You have to be patient—"

"We've had nine session, how much more time do I need?" Dimitri spat at him.

"Yes. Nine sessions and you can sit up now. That is progress. You can move your leg, that is also progress," the doctor carefully explained. "The road to recovery isn't easy, so be grateful for every progress you've made so far. Alright?"

Dimitri was not easy to work with. Every session his frustration grew stronger, sometimes it would get so out of hand that nothing the doctor said could calm him down. His behavior demanded a lot of patience from both the doctor and me, because it was me who needed to listen to his complaints after the doctor left.

"On Monday you'll have your tenth session. I need you to keep going and push even harder. We need to work more on your legs so we'll continue the exercises at the rehabilitation facility."

"Is it private?"

"No," Dr. Leighton gulped.  "The facility is part of our hospital and therefore open to all other patients that are dealing with various neurological, orthopedic or other issues just like you are."

Dimitri took his underlip between his teeth. "I want privacy." He muttered.

"That can be arranged, I will work on something. Monday eight-thirty. " The doctor noted down in his agenda before he packed his stuff.

"I'll walk Dr. Leighton out." I said after quietly sitting in the window seat during the whole time that they were busy. Dr. Leighton stepped out of the room first, I walked behind him.

When I pulled the bedroom door  shut, he let out a deep sigh. Though he was always so prepared and knew what to say when handling Dimitri's tantrums, you could clearly see that it was not easy for him.

"I apologize for—"

"Oh, no," He smiled warmly. "You don't have to apologize. After a few years of working in this field you automatically learn what to take to the heart and what not."

"Will he be able to regain full control over his legs again?"

"I can't guarantee that he will once again become the person he used to be. But like I've said, the road to recovery isn't easy. It requires a lot of patience, not only from Mr. Mulaney and myself, but from everyone around him as well. His progress depends on him. On his attitude, his will— his body. All we can do is be patient and supportive."

"I understand. And about Monday, will you be able to arrange private sessions?"

"Everyone that comes to the facility is focused on their progress. I am aware of Mr. Mulaney's status and how he is as a person which is why I said that I'm going to work on arranging something for him. But the only thing I can do is to create a program that will keep both his mind and body so busy that he only focuses on himself and temporarily forgets about those around him."

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