09 | E

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After I had fallen asleep for about an hour I went downstairs to join Tia and Ms. Lorna. The three of us talked and laughed whilst doing the household chores, though Ms. Lorna insisted on doing the chores herself. She kept talking about how it was her job to take care of all of it, but Tia and I could not sit back and watch her do everything.

Especially since we were slowing her down by making jokes and talking. Around four o'clock Ms. Lorna left whilst Tia and I watched cartoons in the downstairs living room.

At first I thought that we were the only ones home after she had left, but then Emillio came from the backyard.

Dimitri had supposedly left the house during my unintentional nap. After I came downstairs I had passed his office to see if he was there. It was empty and after we did not once run into each other whilst I was helping with the chores we had to do around the house, I figured that he had left.

It was almost six when Marissa came home. She looked extremely tired and for a moment I thought that she would change her mind about going out, but when I brought it up she insisted on still going.

I was secretly happy that she still wanted to go out, because I had to stay in the house all day and I was bored out of my mind.

Whilst Marissa was having a shower and getting ready, I took a shower of my own. I was still contemplating what to wear when Marissa came knocking on my door.

"Come in."

She came in with a towel around her head and had on a white rope.

"What are you going to wear?"

"I don't know. What do you think about one of these?" I pointed her towards the three outfits I had picked out earlier.

"NO." She dismissed the first outfit before holding up the simple yet elegant black top with a V-neck cut out in the front and spaghetti straps that I had laid on the bed as part of the second one.

It was glittery, but not to the extend that it could only be worn at night.

"What are you planning on wearing this with?"

"Skinny jeans?"

"Hmm," She put the top back and picked up the last outfit.

The moment she held up the last outfit her lips curved into a smirk. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at me and then at the light beige bodycon dress.

"You're wearing this." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"What's wrong? Did you want wear one of the two other outfits?" She asked. I suppose that the look on my face gave away that I was reluctant to wear the dress.

"No, I just," I pressed my lips together. "I've only worn this once and—"

"What, you're afraid people will drool over you?" She cut me off by mocking me.

"NO," I smiled. "I'm just feeling a little bit self-conscious, but it would help if you would just tell me where we're going so I can get an idea of what the vibe will be like?"

"No chance sister. Get dressed." She waved at me as she walked out of the room.

I spent several minutes looking at myself in the mirror. I was turning from left to right to be able to view myself from every possible angle.

I loved the dress and it did not look bad on me, but I was not used to dressing myself in skin tight outfits. This was once again one of the many outfits I would wear when I was alone in my room and wanted to give myself a boost of confidence.

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