Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.27}

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Sorry it's so short but I hope you like it!
Theirs only one more chapter after this O.o

(Tala's Dress)------------------>

(Tala's POV)
I gasped as the corset top of my silky red wedding dress was pulled tight "I'm skinny enough, You don't have to suffocate me" I growled at the small women scurrying around fixing my dress.

Today was my suposed wedding day and I was doing my best to be a bridezilla but it was turning out I was just being a bitch. My wedding dress was red for god sake, But it is quiet pretty.

I'm an easy going person and I feel a little guilty for yelling at everyone but I wanted to give Robbie as much hell as possible.

I'm really jumpy though because I cant wait to see everyone. I had Tyler and David drop a letter off at the front door for everyone.

I saw a lady rush up to me looking nervous "Um sorry Miss but Miss Lauren wants to talk to you" she fidgeted.

Oh go, I had completely avoided Lauren successfully since I gained my memory. I knew that if she looked me in the eyes she would know, After all it is her handy work. Even when we went dress shopping I avoided all eye contact with her.

"Oh god, Can I not get any peace around here! Bring her in." I faked anger, closing my eyes and rubbing my temples like I had a headache.

"Robbie told me to come check and make sure you didn't get cold feet. I see you haven't, Unfortunately" she said and I could hear the smugness in her voice.

What is wrong with her?! Does she have a thing for Robbie? She seemed perfectly nice when my memories were being sucked out of my head!

With my eyes still closed I responded "You know what Lauren, Why don't you go stick your head in the pool while I count to seven hundred" I said as the image set a psychotic smile on my face. I heard a aggravated scream from Lauren and the door slam.

I opened my eyes and sighed as I felt another tug on the corset laces. I hissed at the older women "What did I tell you! Just tie the damn thing already!" She flinched back but tied it as I commanded.

Next is hair and makeup. I stepped off the pedistool type thing holding the dress up so it wouldnt drag the ground. I was exspecting everyone any minute now, I told them in the letter to show up early. My wolf was itching to be near Yuma.

Damn straight homie!

Haha remind me to never say that out loud.

Hey Tala?


Never say that out loud.

Smart ass -_-

I was pulled out of my secret conversation by a knock at the door "Who is it?!" I yelled but dropped the act when David and Tyler walked in wearing tux's. They were Robbie's Best men.

"How's the bitch act going?"David smirked amused as I flopped into a chair sighing. Over the last couple of days I had grown fond of these guys they were definitely friends. "exhausting, I'm not a bitch everyday you know" I replied grinning. I heard Tyler scoff "Coulda fooled me" he mumbled. I glared at him "Watch it pretty boy" I warned as he grinned playfully.

"So whats up pudding cups?" I asked sinking into the chair more comfortably. "Oh yeah the gaurds wanted to talk to you, I think lover boys here" he said wiggling his eyebrow. I jumped up like a kid getting told they were going to Disney Land.

Tyler laughed "Go on, We'll tell the hair dresser you went to the bathroom" he said . I hugged them both "I love you guys" I squealed as I ran down the steps and out to the outside foyer entrance only to see the guards hassling Yuma and the others.

My breath caught in my throat at seeing my family of misplaced people.

I came closer and Yuma's head snapped my way and the look of love in his eyes was all you could see.

"Sissy Tala!" I heard Connor scream. I looked and saw the guards look my way as Connor ran to me and I bent down and grabbed him picking him up and twirling him. "I missed you" He mumbled into my neck. " I missed you too" I said letting a tear escape my eye. I walked up to the guards after whipping the stray tear and he raised up the napkin I had written for Yuma. "Did you write this?" he asked. I nodded "Yep, let them in" I said as I saw the guards glare at Yuma and I raised an eyebrow at Yuma. He just walked through the gate with a smirk.

After I lead everyone through and out of earshot of the guards I turned to them. I sat Connor down and told him to go over to the others and he did as told. "I would hug you guys But I really need to act like I don't know you, so just run around until the ceremony" I said smiling as I saw Beau fidget knowing he wanted to tackle me into a hug.

"But Yuma I need to talk to you" I said as he smiled and everyone scattered giving me longing looks. "Come on" I told him ask everyone was gone. I made sure to keep my distance which I could tell was frustrating him extremely.

I led him into the house and up the stairs. We crept into the study. I had learnt that No one ever comes in here, I grinned and locked the door.

"Finally we can ta-" but before I could finish my body was pushed up against the wall with Yuma's arms of either side. he was looking at me in the eyes and I somehow forgot what I was going to say and my mouth went dry.

All of a sudden his lips touched mine soft and sweet, But then I leaned into it and it turned fierce and needy.

I ran my fingers through his hair and our bodies had melted together against the wall.

He then began to lay kisses on my neck. "Yuma" I moaned about to tell him we had to stop before someone heard us, No matter how good it felt. "You know you look beautiful in a wedding dress" he said huskily in between kisses. "Wait your turn" I tried to tease but it came out in gasps. I could feel his smirk against my neck.

He lifted his head up to look me in the eyes again.

God I love him so much.

"Yuma I..." I began but then there was a loud bang on the door. "Tala Hurry I think the hair dresser is going to stab David with scissors!" Tyler yelled in amused panic. I sighed and straightened myself as Yuma backed up off me. I hadn't even realized my dress slowly slipping down. I blushed a bit and fixed it causing Yuma's smirk to grow bigger, Jerk.

I smoothed down my hair and opened the door and saw a grinning Tyler but when he saw Yuma he looked confused the he grinned "So that's lover boy" he commented.

Yuma began to growl and I turned to him quickly "Calm down, him and David were the ones that dropped the letter off for me" I said soothingly. Yuma untensed "Tyler take Yuma down to the ceremony, If anyone asks he's your friend. I'll go save David" I said as Tyler nodded. I winked at Yuma before walking down the hall to the room all the noise was coming from.

"I swaer I'm going to cut your Ear off!!" I heard a girly man's voice scream. "You cant I'm a ninja!" I heard David scream back as I opened the door to see David jumping up and down like a maniac. They both stopped upon hearing me.

I giggled a Davids lopsided grin "The princess has arrived!" David yelled running out the room as fast as he could. I glared at the spot he once stood "About time!" the middle aged man wearing aeropostale clothing said and I turned my glare to him. He flinched back and I sat in the chair things were set up around.

"What what are you thinking?" He asked. "I don't know something extravagant" I said trying to make it extremely hard for him.

He sighed and I smiled evilly.

Okay this is getting fun.

After about three hours of slinging insults and making people redo everything I was finally ready, and I mist admit I've always dreamed of my wedding day, Just not like this.

I walked down to the outside foyer but staying out of sight. I smiled at seeing Beau causing a muck by going up to people and ringing a bell that every person gets, in their ear.

I contained a giggle as he walked up to a random women "guess what?" he asked. "What?" she asked cautiously. He then rung the bell right in her ear and ran back to his seat innocently as the women stared in shock. Leave it up to Beau to get in trouble.

Mt brother, Yuma, Ryan, and Daray sat emotionlessly stoic as the girls, Brasen, and Adam were talking as usual and Connor played with a toy brought to keep him entertained. I had no idea who anyone else was which I guess it was better that way.

I saw that everyone was in place "Ready?" I heard as I looked up to see David who  was going to lead me down the isle, smirking "As ready as I'll ever be" I said being cheesy.

This was my day all right, and It's going to go the way I want it to!
That's It for this time!
Please tell me how you like it!
and would you want a sequel with the way it's going?
Wo ai Ni
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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