Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.24}

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And for that Occasion here's the next Chapter and Sadly we only have about 2 or 3 more chapters till The end :(
I'll ask you some questions at the end though =D

(Tala's POV)
Oh God mayjor Headache.

I Groaned and opened my eyes taking in the room I was in.

It looked like a extravagant bedroom. The walls were a rich red Color and decked out with gold everywhere. I was impressed even though I was in a rather unpleasant situation.

I was about to get up but felt my arms jerk back. I turned my Head to see Shackles and chains attached to medieval looking metal circles to the wall.

What is it with people chaining me to walls!!!!

I tried to change form but I felt a Shock of pain run through my body. This must be the same Dickhead that kidnapped me the first time and was in charge of Keeping people with abilities locked up.


This is Stupid! How come I'm always Kidnapped!..........Better me than someone else I guess.

All of a sudden the door opened and a Pale skinned girl with large brown eyes and her brown hair tied back walked in.

I Bared my teeth but all she did was smile "your awake, Robbie will be glad" she said and with that she walked back out the door.

I looked at it Confused.


That's The son of a Bitch that killed my Parents!

So first he kills my parents the he kidnaps me, does he have some weird fixation with my family!?

Then the door snapped open and I saw a good looking guy that gave off a dangerous vibe. He was tall and dark skinned with his black hair swooping over his almost black eyes.

Immediately I Knew who it was and snarled seeing his smirk.

"Your in no position to be growling dear" He mused

Oh Heck No!!!!

"Like hell I am, You killed my Parents!" I screamed at him pouring every ounce of Hatred I had into my words.

His smirk turned into a scowl "I didnt kill Victoria and Zack" he said angrily. "Bull! You threatened me and Alick and they came to talk to you and You had men ambush them!" I screamed, And for the first time in eight years I Cried. I cried for my parents and my loss, and for the years stolen from Alicks childhood taking care of me, And fro everything that has happened.

He looked at me and almost looked.....Sorry?

"I didn't tell those guys to kill them, I'm guessing you don't know the whole story" He said looking sincere.

No Way am I going to believe him.

"Enlighten me" I sneered.

He sighed "I guess I Can, Your parents were the leaders of the strongest pack known of and they had a lot of enemies. I had no idea those Rouges were hiding in my yard. Zack was my best friend and Victoria was the love of his life, I would never take them away from each other of their children. The reason I left was to give them room to make their life. Yes I was jealous But not so jealous that I would kill!" He said Solemnly. Maybe, Just maybe he's telling the truth.

Just then the girl from earlier came in, Robbie Sighed again "I'm Sorry but this is my way of making things ok" He said then looked at the girl.

"Do it Lauren" He said.

"But Robbie" She started but he cut her off "Remember what we talked about" he growled as she sighed.

She got on her knee's in front of me so we were face to face. I backed into the wall confused of whats going on.

"I'm sorry" she whispered lowly and put her hands on the sides of my head.

I was about to say something but all of a sudden searing pain shot through my head and for some reason I felt violated like someone was pushing through my personal thoughts.

'I'll leave just enough to were one big reminder will bring everything back' I head Laurens voice through the pain But all of a sudden it intensified to even worse that my Transformation. I could hear myself scream but it seemed so far away.

After a minute of that pain I couldn't take it anymore and I let the Darkness that had been clawing at me overtake my mind.

(Yuma's POV)
I knocked the door open bit it was to late, She was gone.

I looked at the state of her room and saw it in pieces. Her dresser was spilled on the floor and shards of glass and Wood were mixed with blood.

My heart broke.

I Had just got Her back and now I've lost her again.

I knew Abel was weird but I didn't think he would do this. I Should have listened to Tala when she said she didn't like him.

I Let out a scream. A heartbreaking earth splitting scream.

Alick ran in and saw me down in the floor.

"Tala?" he said but he knew That it was her that was whats wrong.

I Just stayed face down in the floor and even though I wouldn't admit it, I was crying. Crying for fear that Tala was lost and this time for good.

All of a sudden I felt it. Tala. I Felt her Confusion, Then I felt a mix of Anger and Fear.

She was Angry, But at what or who?

"What happened?" Alick asked barely above a whisper. I sat up drying my tears "Abel took her" was all I replied

Then I felt Pure rage from Tala and It was murderous.

I picked myself up off the floor "go Break the news to everyone" I said Flatly as He nodded and His face grew Cold and a Facade was put up and he left.

I Tehn felt Tala's Emotions go to Uncertian then pain and when I say pain I mean Unimaginable Torture. Then a Second more I Felt Nothing, Nothing but my own hollow Emptiness.

Whoever was doing this is going to pay!

Tala is my Soul, the Very essence that kept me alive. It might sound selfish but, I wont let that be taken away.

(Tala's POV)
I Slowly opened my eyes to see a oddly familiar looking guy and women.

I'm not going to lie the guy was Gorgeous.

I then realized I was in a big Red and gold room.

My eyes fell to a spot on the wall by the floor. It was just a red wall but for some reason I Felt something was missing from that spot.

I looked back at the guy who was smiling at me with relief.

"Who are you?" I asked him Confused.

Now that I think of it all I remember is my name is Tala and I'm a werewolf. This isn't good.

His face fell "Oh Crap, she has amnisia" he said.

I looked at him confused and he smiled at me "What do you remember?" he asked me sweetly.

I smiled, I could get used to this.

"All I really remember is that my name is Tala and I'm a werewolf" I said trying to remember but all I got was a pain in the head.

He let out a breath "Thank god I dont have to explain that to you" he laughed.

I looked to the Girl "Who are you?" I asked a tad bit shyly

She feigned hurt "Don't you remember your best friend Since birth?"she said.

I shook my head "Sorry but No" I replied and she shrugged "Oh well It was worth a shot, I'm Lauren" She said grinning. That named sounded so familiar.

I Nodded and looked toward Mr.Good looking. "So who are you?" I asked raising a eyebrow.

I saw him smiling from ear to ear "I'm Robbie, Your Fiancee" He replied.

My breath caught in my throat.

I looked down at my left hand and and sure enough on my ring finger was a Silver ring with a diamond in the middle and a ruby on either side of the diamond.

I'm Engaged.....

Oh Fuck Im Engaged!!!!!
So I wanna Know what you think of Robbie? Is he misunderstood or do you hate him and think he deserves to die lol
And Also About my next Story The farmers daughter and the Abusive Boyfriend one are tied so I want you guys to tell me but if you already told me you don't have to again that's just cheating....But you know I never said I didn't like cheaters =D
Wo ai Ni
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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