Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.2}

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Tala's POV*


 I was standing in the middle of the woods.  I tried to talk but nothing came out.  I saw a huge wolf with midnight black fur touched with some dark blue just run and stop right there, like it never saw me.  You have to understand, when I said huge I mean HUGE.  I bet it was bigger than a horse.  Then, the next thing I knew another wolf, this one with chocolate brown fur appeared.  He was quickly followed by 3 more.  One was bleached blonde, odd right? One was pure black, and the last one was a caramel color.  I just stared in amazement. This can’t be… Nah, but it’s a wicked cool dream though.  Suddenly the black one looked my way and I froze, then they all lunged my way and...  

“Guys, I think she’s gonna change.  I don’t know what to do.”  I heard the worried voice of my brother say.  I was about to ask him what the hell he was talking about but I decided to stay quiet and listen some more. "I could handle it, but we all know it’s painful, but this is my little sister.  Guys I can’t stand to watch her go through that shit!” Alick said urgently. 

“Dude, cool it, we can take it as it comes.” A mysterious voice said. 

“Yeah, she’ll be ok.  I’ll help watch her.” Another voice said, happily.

“Dude, I wouldn’t leave anyone in your care if you were the last person on earth.” Said a third voice.

“Dude that made absolutely no sense.”  I heard Alick say.

 I decided it was time to wake up even though I would love to go to sleep, considering I felt like shit.  I moved my head a bit and opened my eyes slowly, just to see Alick and 3 other guys I didn’t know. 

“Hey Tala-bug, how you feeling?”  Alick said. 

“Like shit,” I said almost coughing up a lung.  A bleach blond haired boy gave me some water. “Thanks,” I said in between coughs. 

“No problem!”  He replied happily, which made me smile. 

After my coughing fit was done, I decided to sit up.  “Great, sick on graduation and will be on my birthday too” I said, crossing my arms and pouting.  I heard the guy with black hair stifle a laugh.  I looked at him like he had 14 tongues, which would be awesome, by the way.  “You think this is funny?”  I said going into another coughing fit. He shook his head yes.  After the coughing, I growled like a dog at him.  Yeah, I know that’s weird, but it’s just something I have always done when I get mad.

"Uh, Alick as much as I love strangers and taking candy from them, do you suppose that you could introduce them to me, considering that they are standing around me while I’m asleep?”  I asked looking at a worried Alick. "Don’t worry so much Alick, I’ll be fine.  Jezz, over protective much?” I said rolling my eyes and taking a drink of my water.

I saw a smile from him.  “OK, the jock looking one over there is Ryan.” Alick said and I saw Ryan stand and Bow like a prince or something.  I giggled as he smiled and sat back down.  “The black haired Amazon is Yuma, his name is a little weird, but that’s because he’s Native American.  I saw Yuma smirk and I just looked at him quizzically.  “Last but not least is Beau, the bleach blonde on smiling like a creeper.  Though that could just be because he is French.”  I laughed at that.

“Hey, don’t make fun of my heritage, it’s not like I’m from France.  My parents are.  I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”  Beau retorted looking at me as that creepy grin crossed his face.  Before I knew it I was tackled into a hug.  He was burning hot, just like Alick had gotten after his 18th birthday, and still is.  I wonder if the others are that hot, but right now I didn’t really care, because it felt good, and god knew I was freezing.

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