Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.22}

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Here's Chapter 22! Remember I Need some More Votes on What story I Should do next!!!!
Oh and Remember Lucy!
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(Beau's POV)
Today is the day, It's not only Alicks Birthday but it's the day I get to tell Anberlin that she's My mate. I just really hope she takes it Ok. Poor Daray, Brasen, And Ryan have to tell the girls that they are Werewolves Also.

I felt my Insides Churn.

Alick was out on early morning patrol and the rest of us had cleared out a room that no one had any idea was there except Alick and Tala.

Once we cleared it out it almost looked like a ball room you see in one of those fancy movies. Tala told us that this house was extremely old and That the previous owners (her Grandparents) used to hold Elegant parties in here and that's why they never redone it and made it modern.

I took a look around at everyone working. Yuma was holding Tala up  so she could put up decorations, Ryan was setting up the stereo, Adam was keeping Connor Busy, and Anberlin and BreeBree Were cooking in the kitchen.

I smiled "Hey Beau, Yuma and I are going to get Alicks Gifts ok?" Tala Said.

"Be back in Five minutes Don't think I don't know what your Doing."I said Grinning. Tala's Featured Scrunched up "Ewww Beau Don't even go there" She said as they walked up stairs.

After they left Adam came up to me with Connor Following behind him. There's something about that kid that's Different and It's not just the powers.

"Should I call Brasen and Daray and tell the to come over with their chicks?" He Asked. I grinned "Yeah"

"One more thing, Can I invite someone?" He asked. I thought for a second "I'm sure Tala wouldn't mind just make sure they don't come till after we tell the girls" I said Being serious for once in my life, Nothing was gonna screw this up for me.

He nodded and walked away to go call everyne. Just then Anberlin walked in bringing food. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

She caught me staring at her after she sat the food on the table "What?" She giggled. I snapped out of it "Nothing" I Blushed a bit snapping my head to the door when I heard a laugh and Tala and Yuma came in. Yuma Had a HUGE box with him and Tala was Carrying something like a card.

Anberlin had went back into the Kitchen "Mmm Smells good in there" Tala said as Yuma and her sat the Presents down "I know" Yuma said Looking at Tala Lovingly. They were a great Couple.

I Smiled "So who's gonna tell the Girls? I vote for Alpha" I Said grinning She looked at me wide eyed "No Way!!"

"He is Kinda Right you should at least get it started" Yuma said Apologetically.

"Traitor" She muttered Then Sighed "Fine". "Thanks you!" I said Hugging her.

After I let go She looked to the door "The boys are here with their Honeys Plus Ryan's" She said Walking to the door and Opening it.

"Hey Guys" She smiled. "Hey They said as Tala stepped aside and let them in

"Cakes Done!!!" BreeBree Screamed as we walked into the kitchen. The cake looked like a Realistic looking Guitar.

"How did you learn to do this?" Tala asked in amazement. BreeBree Shrugged then all of a sudden Tala looked towards the door again "He's Coming" She squealed.

How does she know this before everyone else? Oh well i guess that's why shes the Alpha.

Tala Quickly Stuck a sign on the door that said 'Come to old ball room' as everyone grabbed some food and the cake and went to the ball room.

Everyone Hid as I did behind a chair. I saw Anberlin looking around trying to find a spot so I Quickly Grabbed her and Pulled her behind the chair with me And I heard her Gasp "What are you Doing?" She asked with a laugh "Giving you a spot to hide Duh!" I said. She Smiled at me "Well thanks" She blushed.

All of a sudden "I'm Home!....Guy's?......The Ball Room?" I Heard Alick saying as Everyone held Deathly Still And we heard his Footsteps coming.

I looked over at Tala and she held her fingers up saying '3...2...1' The the light flipped on.

Everyone Jumped up "SURPRISE!!!" The look on his face was Priceless.

(Tala's POV)
The look on his face was Priceless.

He finally Straightened up and Laughed "Wow Guys" He said. I ran Up to him and gave him a hug "Happy Birthday Bubby" I said calling him what i used to when I was littler.

"Thanks So much" He said. Before I let go I pulled his ear down to my mouth "We are telling them" I said.

He jerked back wide eyed "What!?!" I Glared at him and he shut up.

"I looked toward everyone "Before we get Alicks party started I have some things to announce, I would like all of the girls to sit down" I said as the girls look in confusion.

Just the Connor Ran up to mee and retch his arms out "Up!" he said and I smiled picking him up.

"So Whats this About?" Ann asked "Well First I have some Explaining to do to Mikki, Erika, and Hayley" I said As they looked at me Curious.

I took a deep breath "You guys try to keep an open mind" I said "you may not Believe me When I Tell you this but most of us in this room are...." I paused getting nervous.

"Your What?" Mikki said. I Could already tell she was going to be a handful she has a Huge Mouth and A blunt Personality.

I Sighed "We're Werewolves" I Spat out.

Everything was silent for a minute then They all three burst out laughing, Just like I had. "That's Scientifically Impossible" Hayley laughed.

After a second I Sighed "Are you done?" they looked at me Blankly. "Want Proof?" I asked a Bit Bitchy. "Your Insane" Mikki Said a bit horrified.

I sighed again and put Connor Down and Thought of My Long Sleek Looking Black wolf and felt mt bones bend and twist. I'll Never get used to that feeling. Before I knew it I was a Wolf.

The girls stared speechless as Connor Ran up and hugged my Neck "Sissy Tala's a Doggy!" he giggled. I rubbed my head against him as he laughed.

God I love kids.

"I-It's not Possible" Hayley said and I walked up to her and She Flinched back.

I Have to say that hurt....a lot.

I felt a hand on my fur and i looked to See Mikki Petting me and I licked her hand "She Just a big Puppy!"She squealed.

Erika reached out and pet me also "I love wolves" She said as I barked.

I backed up and Thought of being Human again and There I stood In front of them just Like before.

"So Who's all Werewolves?" Mikki asked like this was the weather we were talking about. I Looked at her like she was insane but answered her question anyways "Me, Alick, Ryan, Beau, Yuma, Daray, And Brasen" I said pointing because they hadn't been introduced to some onf them yet.

"Then why are you telling us this, Why not Any of the other guys" Erika asked. I could tell she was very observitive.

I Grinned "I'm the Alpha of the pack" I said and Erika looked at me wide eyed "A female Alpha, Interesting" She said. I Could Also tell she knew a lot about Wolves. Hayley was still in shock.

"What does this have to do with us?" Ann asked Motioning to her a BreeBree. I Sighed "There is another part to all of this, Yuma Come here" I said as Yuma Came and stood beside me. Out of Instinct I wrapped mt arm around his Waist and he gladly did the same.

"As most of you know Yuma is my Mate" I said ans Was interrupted my Mikki "You mean Like Soulmates?" She asked fascinated. "Almost But this is A lot Stronger and You'll Be together no matter what....Most of the time. But Anyways you girls are all here because you each are one of the Guys' mates" i Said.

I Heard Gasps And and Little giggle that I Reconized as Ann's. "W-Who??" Hayley Finally Spoke up.

"Here's Where I let the Guys Speak up" I said. "You did Great" Yuma said "Thanks" I Pecked him on the lips. I heard a Few Awes From the girls and A Gagging noise from my Brother. I looked pointedly at him "Wanna Go First Birthday Boy?" I asked.

He Grumbled Something Along the Lines Of "Evil" And came Beside me. I Smirked and He Twiddled around with his Thumbs "Uh Well My Mate is....Is" He stuttered. I elbowed him "BreeBree" he spit out. BreeBree's mouth hung open and Ann grinned "Oh Thanks God! She's practically In love with the boy!" She Yelled.

"Really?" Alick said astonished.

BreeBree Turned extremely red and nodded "Well get over there then" I told her and she shyly crossed over to stand beside my brother.

"Anberlin your next, Who do you think?" I asked her. "Well I hope it's Beau" she said boldly. "She Guessed It!" Beau yelled. Ann skipped over and hugged him. "That went surprisingly well" i said and Yuma nodded.

"Ok Brasen my Darling you wanna go next?" I asked. He just grinned "Sure" and walked up.

I Saw Mikki Hold her breathe "My mate is Mikki" he said like it was something you said everyday "Yay!" she squealed but then blushed "What? He's the hot one" she said walking over to him. I laughed

"The final two" I grinned. "I saw Hayley close her eyes and I assumed it was for a certain guy.

"Ryan come tell us which is the lucky lady" I ginned Evilly.

"Uh. Well my mate is Hayley, But I mean..."He rambled. I looked at her face and saw delight but only for a second "At least I got the smart one" she mumbled but I knew she was pretty happy even though she would never admit it.

"So that leaves me and you" Daray said trying to use his so called 'charm' on Erika. She stood up and Daray grabbed her into a hug. She looked scared for her life.

Yep she's my Favorite.

I burst out laughing and everyone looked at me like I had Just gone nuts "Daray's already scaring her off" I said in between laughs. He frowned at me "Don't worry Yuma's gonna run for the hills when he's See's your real personality" Daray snapped back.

I was about to go Ape shit on his ass, But then Ryan cleared his throat "tala would you please explain the conditions on mating to the girls" He asked but His eyes pleaded with me not to fight. Oh Ryan always a mediator.

I Sighed and Gave a glare at Daray "Now girls Don't feel force into this, The boys are automatically Crazy about you but you don't have to be anything to them, But I implore you to get to know the boys before you decide. They all have their good sides even if most of the time they act like a jerk face" I said the last part glaring at Daray again and earning a few laughs.

"If you arent Interested in trying to get to know your mate then please leave I have no room for dead weight, Oh and if you tell anyone we are werewolves, well lets just say it wont be good for your health" I grinned murderously.

Weather it was Genuine Interest or Just scared to Go, No one left.

I grinned "Lets go Party!!" I said.

"Presents First!" Alick screamed.

He's just like a little Kid. I laughed

I grinned as I picked Connor up and Yuma and I went over to the Presents table "The big Box is from me and The card is from Yuma and I" I smiled.

Alick is an Avid Guitar player (Hints the Cake) So when I saw a Gorgeous Acoustic guitar in a music shop Window I knew it was perfect for Alick.

He grabbed the box that had the Guitar in it and looked at me Suspsiously. He ripped off the paper and opened the box.

He Gasped "Tala this is amazing!" He said pulling it out and running his fingers over the strings. I grinned "Happy Birthday" I said "Now open the card" i urged. He hesitantly sat the guitar down and opened the card.

He glaced at me and I grinned.

The reason for the Grin? Yesterday While I was applying for Colleges Yuma and I decided to get Alick two tickets to see a Local Avenged sevenfold concert, and those tickets are in the card.

Alick opened the card and read the tickets over and his eyes got big as quarters "But Tala you love these guys, I could take you with me" He offered. I shook my head "Yuma and I have Something planned that night, Take someone Special" I winked at him. He nodded With the same goofy grin Dad had.

We finished opening gifts which was some unmetionable but funny things from the other guys.

We were about to go eat when I Heard some steps outside.

I Froze "Someones here" I said with confusion. I saw Adam smile "Must be Abel" he said. "You mean the Potential Werewolf?" I asked.

He just nodded and went to the door. A minute later he came back with a skinny but stoic looking blond boy.

I took a sniff of the air. Oh yeah he's defiantly a Werewolf and there's something threatening about him And I don't like him at all.

(Unknown POV)
My Plan is in action and He's there right now. I Will Have what Belongs to me and My Revenge.

I will Put the Real part of my plan into action in a few weeks, giving some time for my influence to set in.

Tala Will Be Mine!
So How Did you like it? Next Chapter is Where It all Starts to Go Down!!!! Yay!
Also I Put out a new Notes I would love for you to go check it Out please!!!!
And here are the Votes so far on my Story Ideas
~A Mayday Parade Fanfic, About an Old Friend-2
~Farm Help and Farmers Daughter
~Abuseive boyfriend But someone Cares-6
Please vote and tell me what you want to be my next story!!!!!!

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