Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.21}

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Here it is Guys! Chapter 21! Tala's Outfit is the picture there to.
So I have a couple Of Questions but they are Down at the Bottom so MAKE SURE TO ANSWER THEM OR MY EVIL KITTY LUCY WILL EAT YOU!!!

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She may look Cute now But Oh she can Get Evil!!!!!!!!
But she will love you forever if you Comment,answer questions,and Vote!!!!!!!!!!!


(Beau's POV)
I felt my Bones bend back into the upright position and the familiar sensation of fur retracting all over my body.

Ahh I love the feeling I get after a good run in the forest.

I looked beside me to see Ryan changes back to normal "Find anything?" he asked. "Nope" I said popping the 'p'

He nodded in agreement as we walked into the house to see Alick looking very Distraught.

What! Just because I don't act smart doesn't mean I don't know any big words!

"What's Wrong?" Ryan asked as I glanced at the clock seeing it was 11:45 PM.

"It's Tala" He sighed "Oh god she did come home right?" I panicked

He nodded "Yeah, She's in bed" he said. I breathed a sigh of relief "Then whats wrong?" Ryan asked for the second time.

"Yuma finally told her" he said with a bittersweet tone. "About dang time" I said extremely happy that Yuma finally had a great girl to tie him down.

Alick Gave me a glare "I'm losing her" He said. "No your not, she is Alpha and we are a pack so technically we will always be together"Ryan said always taking things literally.

"Not like that, I mean things will never be like they used to be" He sighed as it seemed like you could see the memories flash in his eyes. Then there was silence.

It was true it would never be just him and Tala again.

"I'm just going to bed"he said looking like the energy had been sucked out of him.

"Ok! I'm going to break everything while your asleep!" I said gleefully, Alick knew I would so it and truth be told I probably would. He smiled "I'll let Tala handle it in the morning" Alick said with an evil glint in his eye.

I flet the color drain from my face. Alick had told us stories all through high school of Tala's famous temper. He always told us 'if she's not happy, no one is'.

"No thanks" I gulped. "That's what I thought" he chuckled.

Oh God I dodged a bullet there.

Oh snap the day after tomorrow is Alicks birthday. MWHAHAHAHAHA I know just what to do,But first I Must get my Beauty rest. You cant spell Beauty without Beau!!!

Off the Bed!

(Tala's POV)
What a weird ass dream,

I sat up and yawned looking over at my clock, It's 7:30 AM

You know what? Today is a Great day to Apply for College. You really Didn't think I wasn't going to College did you? Tsk Tsk Tsk you crazy people.

I grabbed my Laptop out from under my bed, But decided to first look decent.

I quickly did my morning routine. Bathroom, Take a shower and shave, brush teeth, fix hair, and put on makeup.

Walking out of the bathroom I was about to get some clothes because at this moment all I had covering myself was a Harry Potter towel.

"Whoa, Hello sexy" I heard a Husky voice say. I jumped around to only see Yuma sitting there. I Relaxed a Little

I raised and eyebrow at him "Harry Potter turns you on?" I asked motioning towards the towel on my body.

He rolled his eyes walking up to me "Oh yeah that Ron Weasley is Yummy" He said hugging me tightly to his chest.

"Remind me not to take you to watch the new movie with me" I said. "Fine then I thought we could go watch it later this week but never mind now" He said smiling sheepishly knowing he had me.

I jumped on him hugging him momentarily forgetting the towel wrapped securely around my chest.

"No No No I was just joking!! Please No!" I begged. He gave me a face that looked like he was thinking "One Condition" He smirked "Anything" I blurted not thinking of the consequences, Just some Hot Wizard guys I was gonna see on a huge screen.

"Give me a kiss" He said. "Pshh that's easy" I said planning on giving him just a peck, But as soon as out lips met the passion spreads like fire and he pulled my body as close to his as it would go.

His tongue asked for Entrance and that's when I pulled away.

I saw his hurt expression "At least let me get dressed" I smirked. He crossed his arms like a little kid pouting "Fine But we finish this later" He winked and walked over sitting on my bed.

I giggled, grabbed some clothes and ran back into the bathroom.

I pulled on an Avenged Sevenfold Shirt, A pair of washed out skinny jeans, and Some socks that said 'I love you this much' all on them.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Yuma looking around aimlessly still in the same spot I left him in. I ran and jumped on my bed and quickly grabbed my Laptop and turning it on. Yuma pushed himself up to be sitting beside me "Whatcha Doin?" He asked cutely.

"I'm Going to apply for Colleges" I said letting the Computer load. "Hmm I Never even thought of college" He said. "You really should, Wouldn't it be great if we went to the same college?" I said happily logging onto a website To a college I had been looking at.

"That would be Great" He smiled a heart melting smiled.

I applied to about five colleges but It took about three hours since Yuma was Always Distracting me. He would either keep me laughing or start kissing my neck would not help at all. He'll be the death of me yet.

"Yuma! Tala! Come eat!" I heard my brother yell. What? you didn't think I was the only one that could cook did you?

"I'm Starved"I said as both Yuma and I jumped up. I Quickly Jumped on his back causing him to Automatically make sure I didn't fall. "On the The Kitchen Slave!" I yelled pointing down the stairs. "As you wish" He said Walking down the stairs.

I jumped off his back seeing my Brother in the kitchen "Guess what Bro?" I asked excitedly. He looked at me Suspiciously "What?"

"I Applied to Five colleges today!" I smiled Hugely. He smiled from ear to ear "That's Awesome! Do you know when you'll get your letters to tell you if your accepted or not?" He asked "Probably in a couple of Months" I smiled. In a second Alick was in front of me and giving me a hug. "This is Great I didn't get to go to college but you can" He said. I sighed "You still can". "we'll talk about it later lets got eat" he said.

I heard Foot steps and and all of a sudden everyone was downstairs ready to eat, Even Daray and Brasen. Who I have no Idea when they got here.

The table was just big enough to fit everyone. So after everyone sat down and was eating the fun began.

"Congrats Yuma, Cant believe you got the courage to tell her" Beau said. Yuma just nodded and smiled in embarrassment. The Congrats just kept coming.

By the way this sounded you would think we got married -_-

I Then Remembered Dads warning. "Guys I wanna learn to fight" I said randomly. "What?" Alick said like I was Crazy.

"With my wolf I mean, I might be able to fight In My Human form but I barely know how to control my Wolf" I explained. I saw Ryan nod in understanding.

"So who's gonna help me train?" I asked. "Well I'm the fastest, Ryans the smartest, Alicks great at everything, But if your looking for Strength and Defence the best is Yuma" Beau said winking.

I looked at Yuma in Surprise "want to start after we eat" I asked him. He smirked "Just because your my girlfriend doesn't mean I'm going easy on you". I patted his head " Wouldn't have it any other way" I winked.

After eating Adan and Ann said they would keep and eye on Connor in the house. BreeBree decided she wanted to see despite every ones warning, So we all went outside.

"Ok Everyone Except Tala step back" Yuma said getting serious and everyone backed off.

"Tala I need you to Change" He said as I nodded and closed my eyes concentrating on becoming a wolf.

All of a sudden I felt my boned start to distort and I fell on all fours. Then the odd feeling of fur coming from everywhere on my body.

When I opened my eyes again I saw everyone smirking. "Now I want you to run at me" Yuma said.

Is he Crazy! He's still Human I could really hurt him.

I layed down and Whimpered. Yuma looked at me disapprovingly "Do you wanna Learn" He said sternly.

Oh God I really don't wanna Hurt him But of Well.

I got up and Narrowed my Instinct honing in on him and I charged.

Right before I got to him It was like he disappeared and next thing I know I'm on the ground with a black wolf on me.

'Lesson one, Changing in Mear seconds' I heard in my head

'Change back' I heard again as he got off me.

I quickly sat up feeling a bit defeated, but thought of being human and soon enough I was Human again sitting on the ground.

Everything was silent.

"Ok you see what I did there. It took be about one and a half seconds to change. Those seconds could be the difference between life and death." Yuma said He oddly was like a real teacher.

"Now you try" Yuma said an in a second he was a wolf again.

I controlled my breathing and nodded to him.

Next thing I knew he was running at me full force and I just thought of my wolf once and I was a wolf.

Ha my turn to tackle him down.

I quickly jumped and jerked my body landing right on top of him.

'you learn fast' I heard his voice

'Always have' I boasted

"Now we are going to see how good at combat you are' I heard a bit of a smirk form him

'but..' I started

To the others it probably just looked like we were staring at each other.

'No Buts, to train you I have to see where your at'

'Fine then' I really dread this.

All of a sudden Yuma was about ten feet away from me. Then he stated Growling at me letting some of his animal instinct take over.

I paused and looked around everyone was shocked, Probably thinking we were really fighting. I took a deep breath and let some of the animal take over me.

I felt myself start to growl and the fur on my back stood on end. Yuma Rushed at me and just before he got to me I jumped over him and rushed back knocking him to the ground.

Before I had time to take another breath he kicked me right in the stomach and sent me flying.

I quickly jumped up and ran towards him and head butted him in the side. He feel to the ground as I took a breather.

I lifted my head and then I hit the Ground. Hard.

I opened my eyes to see Yuma Standing Over me while I was on my back.

'You know I kinda like this postion' I heard.

I growled at him playfully.

"I'm Turning back' I sent to him a he stepped back and I concentrated  and I was myself again in one second.

"Are you Ok!?!?"I heard BreeBree yell. I laughed "Yeah That was actually Fun!" I said Exhilarated.

"Thats enough for today" Yuma Said putting out a hand to help me up.

I took his hand and Beau Ran up to me "We are going to throw your brother a party tomorrow and we are telling the girls" Beau said jumping up and down.

"Ever Daray, Brasen,and Ryan's Girls?" I asked a little apprehensive.

Beau nodded "Since they are so sure they are their mates, What choice do we have?" Beau said.

I nodded, Tomorrow was going to Be very Interesting

There is was!!!! Ok So I have 2 Questions

~One is Do you think this story should have a sequel? Is it worthy of one?
~ the second one I'll put on here since no one seems to care about my notes I'll Post 3 of my story Ideas on here even though its not a lot to go on tell me which one seems most appealing to you.
~A Mayday Parade Fanfic, About an Old Friend. (Told you they weren't a lot of Info, If you haven't heard of Mayday Parade look them up! Best Band Ever!!!!)
~Abuseive boyfriend But someone Cares
~Farm Help and Farmers Daughter (This was Inspired by my Country Roots Lol)

Ok that's It! Please Answer these questions Remember Lucy >=(
Peace, Love, And Unicorns <3

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