Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.5}

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Ryan's POV 

I watched the newly transformed Tala leave.  She left a wonderful scent in the air.  Vanilla with a hint of Strawberry.  You could barely smell the werewolf on her.

“I thought that went well!” Beau said happily, while Alick still looked a bit shaken. 

“She’s okay, Alick, she doesn’t seem to want to commit suicide so it’s all good,” Yuma said smirking.

Alick sneered, “I know but I can’t shake this strange feeling.”  He shook his head as if trying to get the feeling to go away.  

I laughed, “She’s a big girl now Alick, you can’t protect her from everything” I said hopelessly as he growled.  

Yuma sighed, “Guys lets go get something to eat and by then it should be time for her to leave.”

“I can smell her a mile away,” Beau said.

I shook my head as Alick glared daggers at Beau, she can take care of herself, right? 


Tala's POV 

"What are you doing here?" I said totally pissed, I saw Maya walk up to us and smile. 

“I see you two know each other” she said, and I growled low in my throat.

“This son of a bitch grabbed my ass earlier,” I spat.  He looked shocked and his friend was giggling.  What was his name Brayden? Braxton? Baton? Brasen! That was it.

“Tala? Tala!?” I heard Maya say.

I straightened up, “Sorry I got side tract,” I said mentally slapping myself slipping off. 

She gave me a confused look, “Anyway, I was saying make this a new introduction, minus the ass grabbing” Maya said glaring at the jerks. 

She said ass grabbing….HA-HA.  Ehem, after my childish mind calmed down, I took a moment to take in Maya’s looks.  She looked maybe two or three years older than me, she seemed ethnic possibly Indian, and had the scent of the beach in the morning.  I sighed.  “I guess I could start over,” I said to tired to argue.  I saw a huge triumphant smile from Maya and a smirk from the jerk. I stuck my hand out; mustered up the biggest smile I could and said, “I’m Tala Nuria.”

The jerk grabbed my hand and I felt a Jolt. “My name is Daray Schuyler, not ‘Son of a Bitch’” He said.

I shrugged, “You had it coming,” I hadn’t even noticed our hands were still interlocked. 

“Hey! My turn to hold the pretty girl’s hand!”  I heard Brasen say. 

Don’t think I don’t know that Brasen was the one that grabbed my ass, but it’s just so funny, blaming Daray.  Plus I don’t like him that much.  I couldn’t help but smile when Brasen ran over and bumped Daray out of the way.  “My name is Brasen Aualbane.”  He said but instead of shaking my hand he brought it up to his lips and lightly kissed the top of my hand. 

Being locked up in the woods most of my life, okay maybe I was exaggerating a bit.  I came into town like once I week, but still.  I wasn’t so used to the idea of a perverted guy… I turned red as a tomato.  I quickly turned to Maya.  “There Happy?” I asked.  She nodded and smiled, “Well, that’s enough excitement for one day lets go home.  Everyone be back tomorrow by one pm.  We have a CPR class to teach.” She said letting us out the door.  I sighed, what a day.

I saw Brasen run over to me and grab my hand.  I felt a piece of paper meet my palm.

“My dear Tala.”  He said but was interrupted by the collar of his shirt chocking him.  I noticed Daray pulling him back.  I look at the piece of paper that Brasen had given me; it had a cell phone number on it and at the bottom scribbled under the number was Brasen with a little heart.

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