Epilogue: 2

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uh anyway, here we are, 

enjoy the music or whatever




Within ten minutes, Tristan is also sitting on the couch with us, watching warm ups. Then Dad joins.

"When did you get into hockey?" Tristan asks, his mouth resting on the edge of his glass of water.

"Her boyfriend, I think." Ben answers for me.

Tristan frowns. "Do you know anything about hockey, or is it just that you're watching it so you guys have something to talk about?"

I shrug. "I know some stuff, not much, but some." This is about to blow up like a nuke in my face, considering I still haven't managed to tell them about the hockey deal.

Ben stands up and walks into the kitchen finding something to eat. "So, are you a Wolves fan or a Boston fan?"

"Wolves, definitely. Probably should be a Boston fan because I'm from here, but Wolves." I pull a blanket over my legs.

I've periodically sent them pictures of Steph here and there, so the chances of them recognizing him are existent. I don't know if they will or not.

"So, Miss Wolves fan," Tristan's eyebrows quirk like he's about to challenge me. "Who's that?" He points at the screen where Fen is doing a little pregame interview.

"That's Fen, he's from Germany, captain and starting center." I mumble. "He's dating their assistant coach, Nico, and he's really good at ping pong."

"I feel like dating the assistant coach is not a good move." Ben says, sitting back down again with a cheese stick.

"Yeah, but they're them and they're anything but problematic about it. The league and program let it slide because she doesn't favor him and it's not getting in the way of play."

"Okay," Ben says as if he's thinking something through. "And why do you know this, because Tay is under the impression that he's only captain because she's coach."

"Dunno, that's just Steph's opinion on it. He seems to think that Fen is a good pick out of all their leading players for captain. Level-headed enough, but still playful and a little cocky, he's bigger on the team and doesn't like taking no for an answer. It would be Rex that's captain but he's too shy."

Ben frowns. "Rex is their best enforcer-style defense according to Tay. How is he shy?"

"He just is. Big Swedish marshmallow after you get past the missing teeth and enormous frame."

Ben fixes his attention on the TV with me, still thinking about it.

It pulls up another interview after the commercial break and my heart leaps into my throat.

"Right now we're going to be talking to Steph Sagamore and Miloš Stojanovič, ex-Boston players from last year on what it's like being back in their rookie city and playing against their old teammates."

It pans from the reporter to Rocket and Steph standing side-by-side collared shirts and suits because it was early in the day media.

"So, boys, what's it like being back in your rookie city?"

Steph and Rocket look at each other for a second, deciding who's going to talk first. Rocket lets Steph talk.

"Uh, lotta crazy rookie memories here, definitely. I mean, it's good seeing the guys again, but even better to get some playful rivalry going with them."

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