Chapter 41: 380

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is that,,,,, another double update??????? *moans in impatient and can't keep a posting schedule*  


THAT WHOLE MESS WAS THE FIRST DAY. THIS IS THE SECOND.  They didn't do all that and then do all this. That's too fukin much for one night. 




"Steph," August pinches me in the middle of the night. "I'm not sleepy."

"Could've told me that earlier," my groggy voice is not nice to me at all. She rolls on the bed so that she's on top of me, her head on my chest. "What do you want to do?" I'm still shaky from about three hours ago when she tested every physical limit I have, but it'll be fine.

"I don't know," She sighs. "I've got a song stuck in my head."

"We can listen to music, but not that loud." I drop my head back to the pillow.

"Tell me, Steph," She sits up a little, her hands on my stomach. "Is this what you normally wear to bed?"

"Huh?" August raises her eyebrows.

"T-shirt, no t-shirt, pants, no pants?" She rolls her head to the side.

"Back in Boston? Just boxers." I laugh. "Now I'm living with Jilly, and that would be on the traumatizing side."

"How so?" She giggles a little.

"Picture it," I spread my arms out. "You're a freshman again, come to live in a new place, a new country, with the older brother you never were really close with," I pause for dramatic effect. "You get in late one night, and the first thing you're met with the next morning is raging morning wood and your brother's bare ass chest." I pause again. "Your first impression of this whole new world is me, standing in the door of the hallway, half naked, and sporting the daily involuntary sexual arousal," I clear my throat around how cringe worthy that could've been. "Because I get it bad and it's not pretty."

"I get the picture," She's laughing. "Haven't seen Steph in a couple years, you're exhausted, and you're expected to live with the guy who's first impression is that."

"Exactly, so, even though it is no longer the first night here, I sleep in at least pants,"

"But not today?" She raises her eyebrows, looking down at the elastic band holding my boxers up.

"Want me to go put on jeans?" I sit up. "Overalls?" I grin at her. "August we just had a wild night, I'm not going to put on clothes after that."

"You own overalls?" She sits back on her heels.

I laugh and acclimate to the topic. "No, but I can drive to the nearest outdoor store and find some, no doubt."

"That won't be necessary," She leans in and kisses my nose.

"August," Her mouth is still close to mine so I kiss her for a moment, a couple moments. I kiss her as softly as I can, mimicking the streetlight wandering through the crack of the curtains in my window. I don't move my hands from where they are on the bed, holding me up, but she moves her hands from my stomach, tracing up my bare chest and then just her fingertips on my cheeks. I kiss her, then I hover near her lips. "How come you're so perfect?"

"Steph," She giggles a little, I stop her by kissing her again.

"I'm serious," Her eyes find mine and I watch her expressions. She chews on the side of her lip for a moment, a little confused. "Look at you, August," I keep my voice as quiet as it can be. I lean in and kiss her cheek, then in front of her ear. "Perfect, I swear," I kiss under her ear. "Inside and out, up and down," I kiss her neck until her breathing gets messy, then I stop. I lay back onto my elbows and just stare. Her hair is tousled from sleep, spilling across her shoulders in the most effortless way. Her eyes aren't necessarily focused, they're just tracing me up and down.

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