Chapter 33: Birthday Boy

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yalls reading Riot are the horniest buncha lads I've ever come across. But I read it for the meme and now i'm lightly scarred, not as bad as some of the nolan patrick fanfics I was dared to read on ao3, but bad. if you know the fics im talking about, i'm so so sorry you had to go through that and understand that you're not the only one that physically gags whenever you see him now.  

vote, comment, interact! I'm bored!




"Steph?" August sits up, watching me walk into the main room of my apartment. I needed socks. It's cold as a witch's asscrack in Regina.


"When's your birthday?"

"December eighth, why?" I wait for a response on that one. I didn't tell her. It's not like I didn't want to, I just hate it when people make a big deal about me. So I opted for not informing her. 

Her mouth drops open. "Steph that's fucking tomorrow. You're 24, tomorrow."

"I know," I mumble, "hey, don't make a huge deal out of this-"

"STEPH!" She stands up off the couch and grabs my shoulders, shaking me. "I thought you were going to say some shit like July, not tomorrow. You couldn't have told me like a week ago that your birthday was coming up? Jeez, Steph, I don't even have enough time to make you a fucking cake!"

"You don't need to do anything crazy for me." I put my hands on her cheeks and make her look at me. "Seriously."

"But Steph, it's your birthday!" She throws her arms up. "You shouldn't be ignored on your birthday!"

I let out a little laugh. "August, honey-" I bend over and pick her up, my arms around her thighs. "It's really okay, I'm only a year older, it's not that big of a deal."

She slings her arms around my shoulders, taking to me holding her like this almost immediately. It's not hard, she's light.

"Stephan," She ruffles my hair. "When was the last time you had a birthday party?"

"With my friends or my family?"

"Either." She brushes her nose on mine.

"Rocket has celebrated every year since I was sixteen, but my family? I was probably seven."

She chews her lip. "That's no good."

I spin her around. "It's alright, plus, I don't know how to handle it when people make a big deal out of me, so it's really alright."

She hooks her legs around my hips, helping me hold her up like this. "I'm calling Rocket, I won't let you do nothing."

"You really don't have to."

"I'm going to, and I need his number; if that doesn't make you uncomfortable."

"Why would it make me uncomfortable?"

"Well because he's your best friend and I'm your girlfriend and sometimes in other situations-"

I put a finger on her lips. "Rocket is a raging homosexual." Her eyes go wide.

"Oh, I-"

"Mhmm," I mumble, kissing the side of her mouth. "Even if you did want to get in bed with my best friend, he's not into girls."

"Sorry, it's just, other guys-"

"Well," I raise my eyebrows at her. "I don't want to be cocky, but I'm not other guys."

Plié and CloutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon