Chapter 2: Regina, Saskatchewan

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Alright, thing two about this book is that my posting schedule is going to be a little spacier than Post Olympic, only on Fridays. 

BUT- I will hit you guys with random chapters on random days when I'm bored, so stay tuned

This is told from Jilly's perspective, you'll get who she is pretty fast. 

MUSIC: Outnumbered - Dermot Kennedy 

hey, and props to you if you noticed that I changed the stars that divide the intro from the body. Last book there were 18 stars. Both Nico and Fen play with number 18, so it made sense. Unfortunately, Steph is 53, so I didn't want to do that and have a half-page of stars. 



"Alright, call once a week, make sure Steph doesn't ignore you," Mom hands me my luggage. Steph won't ignore me. I've been catching up with him recently, he's a gentle guy, despite what he does for work. "Eat well, and finish all your homework, that school will get you anywhere you want in this world." Crawford. Sounds like hell already.

"Okay Mum," I smile at her, faking it pretty well.

"And they don't give you Thanksgiving, but I want you home over Christmas, okay?" She grins and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Alright, I gotta go, love you."

"Love you too, Jilly." She waves, and I sling my carry-on over my shoulder. I shipped a lot of clothes out to Steph already, but I've still got one large checked bag that I'm going to have to deal with.

I fight through the airport at a painfully slow pace. I'm tiny compared to most people. Dad likes to joke that Steph got a double dose of height and I didn't get any. Steph isn't even all that tall, at least compared to his teammates.

I find my flight. Boston to Toronto. I fidget with my bag. I feel the outline of my passport. I triple checked my paperwork last night. My application for dual citizenship went through this summer. I'm half Canadian now.

I take a deep breath, and scan my ticket, wandering down the jet bridge and board the plane. 18C. I get the window. I grab my sketchbook out of my bag when I sit down, but I just hold it in my lap, leaning against the wall. I haven't slept well at all recently.

I had hoped that nobody would be next to me. Hope doesn't achieve much. An old guy plops down, and I'm afraid he's going to ask me a question. So I pull out my phone from my jacket pocket.

JILLY: I'm on the plane and there's a weird guy sitting next to me.

STEPH: scale of 1-10 how weird

JILLY: old white guy? Too cheery for a flight to Toronto.

"Hey, I'm Jack, what's your name?" He turns to me. I give him a halfhearted smile.

"Jilly," I mumble.

"Well, plane neighbor, if I snore, wake me up." He nods to me once and then drops his head backward.

JILLY: he's normal. Just a little off.

STEPH: if he gets worse, ask for a new seat

JILLY: I will

STEPH: alright, text when you get to Toronto, punch Marner right in the teeth for me will ya?

JILLY: I'll text, and I'm not punching Marner for you, you gotta do that yourself.

Marner got into two small brawls with Steph last year. It was nothing, but he still jokes about it. For a rookie-aged guy to scrap with an old guy is a bit unheard of. I think it happened because before Steph, he had the reputation of league softboy, and well, if you've ever met Steph.

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