Chapter 19: Sweet

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ah, yes, the friday update

music; like this - jake scott




Steph looks exhausted when he gets Jilly on Friday. I put a hand on his shoulder as she walks to the car.

"You alright?"

"I feel gross, but yeah, I'm okay." I shake my head.

"Do you want to get coffee or something tonight?" I can't believe I just asked that.

"I don't want to leave her alone at home," He furrows his eyebrows and looks outside. "I wonder if Helen can watch her-"

"I hope so, you need a break." I drop my hand from his shoulder and he gives me a light smile.

"I'll be back if I can, I'll text."

"Where do you want to meet?"

"Here, I guess, I mean, if that's okay." He truly looks exhausted.

"Yeah, here's good." I smile. "I'll see you, alright?"

"Thanks." he mumbles.

"Now, go get home so you can get back." I reach up and brush some fallen hair out of his eyes and that makes him actually smile.

"I will." he takes a step back and then another and I stick my hands into my pockets, watching him go.


"Hey," Steph sticks his head in the door. "ready to go get coffee?"

"Yep," I hop down the stairs. He slips his fingers into mine and I start my daily walk toward the coffee shop. The guy that runs it is pretty cool, Sam. "So what's up with you and Jilly, I've noticed her, uh?"

"She's hanging out with Logan Taft more and more and it's pissing me off, just that. He's bad news. Hockey guys are all bad news."

"I dated a hockey guy in high school, that's why I don't like them."

"Shit, really?"

"Yeah, he was a dick," I shake my head. "Did a lot of bad stuff to me."

"Who is he, I'll fight." He laughs.

"I promised myself that I wouldn't date another hockey guy."

"So, what does that make me?"

"An engineer." I laugh. "I wouldn't date a guy who made hockey his whole existence, because those guys are assholes. All professional players are assholes, any sport." He gets a little stiff. "What's up?

"Huh? Nothing." He shakes his head and we're quiet for a minute. "I play a hell of a lot of hockey to be dating someone that doesn't ever want to date another hockey player."

"Yeah, but you've got stuff that happens outside of hockey, you're just a normal guy." I bump into him and he just nods.

"To be frank, defensemen are the most normal of hockey guys." He looks down at me and I just laugh.

"Steph, they're all weird. You're just weird in a way I like." He snorts at this and looks forward to push open the door of the shop.


I wouldn't date a guy who made hockey his whole existence, because those guys are assholes. All professional players are assholes, any sport.

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