Chapter 50: Gabby and August

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should I make an instagram account so I can show you guys wolves memes yes or no




"August, I'm back from talking to Rocket," I take a deep breath and poke the lump of blankets.

"Why did you go and talk to Rocket," she grumbles.

I roll my eyes to myself and then laugh. "Because he's best friends with Steph, and I needed a good explanation. So, I got one."

"Why'd he do it?" She looks up at me, a begging look in her eyes. 

"Because he wanted you to be real," She rolls over and stares at the ceiling.

"What the hell does that mean? What does he mean by it? Why didn't he just fucking tell me? Just, 'oh hey, I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you my real profession because I'm scared you won't treat me like a normal guy, so I just wanted to tell you, I play a sport you hate for work and I love it." She pauses, then shoves her face into the pillow, crying again. "Because I respect things that he loves, because I love him, and I just, why did he do it? Of course I'm going to treat him normal about it, I don't care, I just don't care what he does! I love him as a person, he's just, he's Steph with or without hockey, I just don't understand why he was so hollow about it!"

"Shut up," I snort. She opens her eyes, offended. "I like him too. I like you with him. And Rocket told me to force you to watch a video."

"I don't want to see him."

"I know you're angry, Aug, but-"

She covers her head up again. "I don't want to see him, I'll cry."

"YOU'RE ALREADY CRYING!" I open her computer and type in a keyword search to youtube. Steph Sagamore draft. It comes right up.


"I want you to want him back, look at you. Break up when it's over something worthwhile."

"You said it yourself that he's toxic for this."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, he fucking was toxic for this, but Rocket just told me why, okay? If you want him this badly then you should have him. All that boy has for you is love, and face it, so do you. Steph's a goddamn mess and you are too. The boy covered your rent like twice, he drove you around when your car didn't work. He fit you into a schedule with hockey and parenting. He's a fucking wizard, okay?"

She pauses for a moment, then burrows down into the blankets. "Play the video."

So I do, and I don't really understand what's going on. Little Steph does his thing on the screen, August is fully alert, paying complete attention. I half watch both of them, then force down laughter when he absolutely eats shit trying to get up the stairs. August giggles a little, just a little, which is so much better than all the sobbing from the last few weeks. Then she actually smiles when he says "I have no idea how I got here, I'm just here for a good time."

August watches the video over like five times, I get up and get myself a drink of water, and when I come back, she's relentlessly stalking him, watching whatever shows up next on youtube. I get out my phone and mess around for probably an hour.

"So are you going to talk to him about it?"


"You, talking, Steph, are you going to forgive him?"

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