Balthazar x Reader

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So, hi!
I'll be continuing this often enough as well. I hope :3

So yea, here is Balthazar.

"Balthazar, stop it!" you shouted at the Angel who was currently singing some weird song, while dancing on your kitchen table. Why must he do this?

"It's 3 am! Stop before my neighbours call the police or something."

"Oh (y/n), you don't know how much I just LOVE hearing your complaints," was all he said before he continued singing. It was defiantly not in English.

"Let me sing you the song of my people," he said and at this you tackled him already knowing how an angel's true voice actually sounded like and you were scared for your windows.

"(Y/n) calm down! I was only going to sing in Enochian," he told you. You rolled your eyes.

"That's what I was afraid of."

"But I love you and I just wanted to share everything about me with you," you let out a sigh.

"Zar, I think you had too much to drink," you said getting up. You pulled him up with you.

"I don't get drunk, if you forgotten but I am a fricken angel, I love singing and drinking and stuff," he said to you, not missing or stuttering his words. "Especially with you."

"Then stop acting so stupid," you countered, ignoring his last comment. Your heart always went a little too fast when you were around Balthazar, and even faster when he made comments like that.

"But (y/n), I really like you, and that doesn't happen very often, me actually getting to know someone and like them, like you should feel honoured," you let out a small laugh.

"Exactly, it doesn't happen often, so how do I know you are not lying to get something from me?" You asked him. He stood there, then with out hesitation he reached towards you and grabbed your hand.

A sudden warmth made you gasp, looking about you were shocked with excitement seeing nothing but tropical lands. A sparkly ocean on one side, and then an amazing forest on the other, filled with calming winds and palm trees.

"Balthazar," you breathed.

"I can take you to beautiful places, but nothing is more beautiful than you. Your eyes are my sparkly than the ocean, your presence is more calming than this land, (y/n), I am not going to let you go," Balthazar told you. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you from behind as you watched the waves.

You thought you were on a cliff, because you were able to see so far and wide, but when you looked down you realized Balthzar was suspending you in the air. That means before when you arrived you were stepping on air.

"How the hell did I not notice this?" You exclaimed. You were suspended in air and you felt so stupid.

"Because I tried my best to give you a calming sensation, and for you not to freak out and just see the scenery," was all Balthazar said.

"This doesn't prove anything Balthazar."

"Then maybe this will," and with that he turned you around and kissed you. The kiss made you forget you were in the air all over again, made you forget everything that was around you. Made you forget that the man who kissed you was in fact an angel. It made you content.

For an Angel that hates responsibilities, he sure was cheesy.


There ya go!



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