Dean x Reader

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* Warning *

This one-shot has verbal abuse and talks about depression, please read with caution

So, I received a request to do a one-shot from @JacWils  :

Hi, Angel, I'm wondering if you could do a Dean x reader where. Dean meets the reader in high school(Dean is 16 and the reader is 17) then Dean meets her 20 years later on a hunt. But then on the hunt Dean finds out that the reader is being verbally abused by her father. She's severely depressed because of the abuse but avoids help because she thinks that she's a burden. So Dean helps her out with getting help and gets her away from her father.

Granted this is a very late (sorry :C) I am still posting this. :D

You never wanted to be left alone.

Your fingers numbly rubbed the handle of your knife, going over the fabrics you put on the knife yourself. Your eyes on a door that seemed familiar yet you knew for a fact that you've never been to this motel before. After a while, all motels seem to be the same or at least a little bit familiar.

"I'm not sure where to start but Bobby did say it was in this town, I'll look around on the internet," A voice that worried you and made you crouch continued to talk. Other hunters, you guessed. You had a tendency to avoid other hunters. And people in general.

"Yeah, you do that, I'll go ask questions at bars and stuff," You rolled your eyes at the rough voice.

"Dean, damn it, just come back at a reasonable time ok?" Dean? The name clung to you.

"My name is Dean." You looked up at the blonde, moving your book from one hand to the other, the page you were on still open. You sat not in the cafeteria with the other students but instead outside at a picnic table.

"Never asked," You said before going back to your book. Out of your peripherals, you saw him take a seat opposite of yourself.

"Not a big talker? Don't worry I get it," He didn't seem to have many things with him. He pulled out a small knife and he began fiddling with it, moving it with his hands quickly. His gaze on the tree line not far from the school.

"Why are you here?" You finally gave in to the boy, putting your book down.

"Same as you, I'm here to pass time quietly," His gaze never left the treeline. You looked with him, seeing nothing interesting.

The word quiet rung in your ears and you went back to your book.

You shook your head. Your knife moving in the same motions as Dean's knife did so long ago. You blew out a sigh before moving to the door and making sure it was locked. You went to lie in the bed, preparing for the fight tomorrow that will no doubt happen. Vampires were in this town, it's best to move against them during the day.

Sleep didn't come very easily for you. Thought of Dean kept coming up.

"So what do you usually do at home then," You asked an intrusive Dean Winchester who kept asking what your home life was like. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I do the best I can to take care of my little brother and that keeps me pretty busy, Dad says I should keep going to school though," You nodded.

"You don't want to go to school?" At this Dean laughed.

"It takes too much time and I'd rather be helping my dad with his job," His smile was wide.

"What does your dad do?" At this Dean seemed to pause, unsure of what to say. "Is it dangerous?"

"Oh yeah, but we help people and I think that's why he does it," You nodded.

"So he's like in the military?" Dean shook his head.

"No, nothing related to the government, we work by ourselves we don't get paid for what we do," Dean said slowly.

"Then how do you live?" You asked.

"Uh, well it's complicated," Complicated. Yeah, you nodded.

"Don't worry I get it," Thoughts of your own dad came to your mind. Whilst dean wanted nothing more than to be like his dad you wanted nothing more than to get away from it all. No family, no friends, no one to hurt you.

"Hey, you ok?" You nodded quickly before moving to look at the treeline, something Dean got you to do. Simply to relax and gaze. And relax.

You didn't seem to get away from it all. Family has needs after all. You shook your head and sleep finally took you.

Waking up in the morning you launched yourself up, scared to leave you back on yourself even for a minute. What if the vampires knew you were here? These thoughts clouded your mind as you got ready to go to the nest.

You hopped into your vehicle, unsure of the kind since you hotwired it a few days ago, it was a black older car, nothing special about it except that it blends in.

"Hey! What are you doing here, get away from here!" As soon as you stopped your car and got out, Dean's whispered voice rang in your ear. He was right beside you and seemed to be hiding in the trees.

"Dean," you voice breathed out, his green eyes making you waver. Your guard was down.

"(Y/n)?" Dean's voice was shocked.

"(Y/n)?" his voice rung out through the house, you heard his car pull up into the driveway a few minutes ago and you ran into the basement, unsure of where to go. You opened the door to your room and ran to your closet. Not wanting to hear his voice, or see him.

"Where are you, you little sh*t!" He steps echoed on the stairs.

"Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me," your dad never hurt you, but he always seemed to be inches away from it. With an occasional slip-up.

Hot tears ran down your face as fear settled inside your heart.

"Where the fuck do you think you are hiding from me? The person who put a damned roof over your head!" The doors to the closet opened and a hand grasped the collar of your shirt pulling you out. The hand left you and you knees buckled underneath you, the floor catching your roughly.

"I slave all day at work to come home to no meal? Get in the kitchen and do something useful for once, you selfish brat!"

"I don't want to be treated like this," Hands grasped you and held you as you cried. Dean held you for hours, not letting you go, afraid to leave you. You talked for hours, telling Dean everything, voicing your pain for the first time.

"You deserve so much better," Hearing his voice was always settling.

"Dean, I don't want to live like this anymore, I want to leave," Your thoughts were being all spilled out as Dean held you.

"Come with me."


"I know I can't get you a lot of money, and life will be hard, but hunt with me, travel with me."

"Dean, I."

It all came back as you stared at Dean Winchester, a leather jacket on his shoulders, a gun in his hand.

"Hunt with me," His voice was like liquid honey, and this time you went without hesitation. All fear of the vampires disappeared. You were here with Dean.

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