Cas x Reader

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Castiel wasn't like any boyfriend you had before.
Castiel was clingy, protective and dominant.
Every time you were with him his arms were always some how on you. You were always in his arms, or he had his arm wrapped around you. Or he was holding your hand. Around your waist. Leaning against your shoulder. Using you as a armrest.
Somehow he was showing that you were his.
Yet his personality was different. He was calm, gentle, unknowingly funny sometimes in a stupid way. Cute in the same stupid way.
How he showed his affection was always adorable. Sometimes it was flowers. Other times it was some kind of toy he found interesting. A rubber duck. A car toy that can move on it's own. A figurine of Spider-Man. A slingshot.
Your favourite times with him was when you would stay in together and watch movies while in his arms. He would always ask question and most of the time that made you angry when people would do it, but his questions weren't really what was going to happen.
"What's the thing he's holding?"
"A baseball glove."
"Oh a sport. We should play"

"Why does he hate his job?"
"His routine is the same no matter what."
"But isn't that why he went there?"
"I dunno"

"And her sunglasses help her see when it's too bright?"
"Yeah, I have a pair."
"But what is too bright?

"Why do they play it when all it does is cause fights?"
"Well it's suppose to create fun for the family."
"He just flipped the table and told them to f@#% themselves."
"Monopoly is a funny game."

"Wait, the rubber duck has a function? Please show me!"
"Ah all it does is float really."
"But that ginger man just asked what is the function of a -"
"I know but he's a wizard and doesn't know about us muggles."

"Holy crow that guy is a serial killer."
"Yeah but Rs all the bad guys he is killing."
"Are the people dead?"
"Well yeah?"
"He's a serial killer."
"But he's John W-"
"Serial killer. Dad will have to talk to him personally for what he has done. My brother can't have him."
But he protected you. He was yours. And you were his.

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