Kevin x Reader

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So he was requested...

And here is the oneshot whoever requested him.

Oh I should do this like ghost form..

you know what?

I'll make this one a ghost form, and IF I do another one, I'll make it normal.

Because I never ever read one about Kevin Ghost.


You were sitting around in a library when you noticed that it has gotten a bit chilly.

Which was incredibly weird because it was in the middle of summer and it was s rather hot day. The library had air conditioner but they didn't do much.

It was nice.

But weird.

You looked around hoping to spot the reason why it was so cold, like you were getting goosebumps on you arms.

Can we just talk about goosebumps? Why do we call them goosebumps? Like are those little bumps geese trying to fly south because it's so f^cking cold or something? Sorry anyways.

Not finding a source, you went back to your book.

You felt eyes on you, and being self-conscious you looked around trying to find who was staring at you. You then looked over yourself after not finding anything to look for anything that was wrong with your appearance.

"There's nothing wrong with your appearance."

You quickly jumped up, the voice scaring you. Looking for the person that spoke, you quickly started to pack as you saw no one around you.

Scared, you walked out of the library and hurried to go home.

Even though the sun was burning down on you, the goosebumps did not leave you, it was chilly, it felt like you had walked into a walk in freezer.

Walking home was weird, there was what felt like a 'presence' and you had no idea what to do. Every time you looked around, there was no one there.

It become frustrating after a while but you shrugged it off and you continued your walk home.

When you got home, the first thing you did was turn up the heat, it was abnormally cold in your house.

"Do I bother you that much?" When you heard the exact same voice you heard in the library, you jumped and dropped you bag.

"Who's there?" You called out, you voice wavering a bit.

You looked around a bit before you just about fell over when you saw a boy sitting peacefully at your kitchen counter.

"Who are you?" You questioned him.


That's the only thing he said as you watched him, trying to figure him out.

"Ok... And why they hell are you in my kitchen?" You questioned him. "I will not hesitate to phone the police."

"Don't bother, just wanted to tell you something," you looked at him curiously. First he come into your house, a complete stranger who could murder you. Then he tells you he needs to talk to you.

"I never want to let you go, the more I think about it, the more I want to tell you that everything you do, is super fricken cute, and I cannot stand it."


"I'm am going to make you love, and I will not give up."

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