Cas x Reader

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Holy crap guys this story has 88k reads like what.
When did that happen.
Thanks guys xD

So I realize I haven't been updating much.... Life catches up to you. Life being university.

Anyways onto the story of Castiel and you of course, who else?

"(Y/n) how long are you going to be?" Cas was knocking on the door to the bathroom you were currently in.

"Hang on, 5 minutes," you said applying a little bit more massacra. 

You never used to wear makeup, or you never used it like how you were making yourself look right now.

Before you had no worry about whether you wore makeup or not. You never had a reason to.

But you do now, and that reason was standing right outside the bathroom door.

"(Y/n), you look beautiful just the way you ar- woah (y-n)," and that shocked face is why. Of course Castiel believed you to be the most beautiful human ever made, but whenever you made yourself extra pretty with the tools of makeup, his face made it worth spending an hour bending over the sink to look real close at your face to apply all this stuff on it. 

"Like it?" You teased at his amazed face.

"I liked it before," he replied calmly. 

"Love it?"

"I also loved it before."

"Amazed by it?"

"I'm always amazed by you (Y/n), and I love you so much though I am told I shouldn't know what love is, whenever I am with you, I think I feel it," he said wrapping you in his arms.

"Yeah? Well good because I love you Cas," you said before pecking his lip quickly and leaving his arms to head to the door of the bunker.

"So where to today?" You asked him without looking behind you.

"I was thinking of a place a bit more beautiful. A place where it might match your beauty," Suddenly his hands were on your waist and you were in a tropical jungle, a place you mentioned to Cas you always wanted to wonder around. You were standing on a trail, a trail in a tropical jungle. 


"Of course it looks dull to you, your beauty makes my heart skip a beat."

"Cas I am defiantly not wearing the right clothes to explore the jungle," Cas looked down at your skirt and blouse. On your feet however where your blue sneakers. 

"Let's go anyways," Castiel said before taking your hand and letting you fall into step with him as you began to walk on the path.

"Cas, I really am not, woah what was that?" Cas let out a laugh and repeating the silly sound. 

"It's a monkey (y/n)," you looked at him trying to put on a 'did you really just do that' face but failed when you started to laugh. 

"Castiel," you said but then stopped as words suddenly were lost as you stared into his blue incapacitating eyes (author's note, please google that word, I'm giggling like a little girl).

"I love you," he suddenly said pulling you in his arms once again. 

"I love you too."

"Ok good, this would have been awkward," he said before bending down on one knee and pulling out a ring.


boom whats up.

thanks for reading 

also if you have any questions for me and my fandoms please comment them, I am making a youtube video where I will answer all and any questions thrown my way so yay :D

have a good one eh? just kidding.

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