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Year's pass in what feels like the blink of an eye. The wars that had ravaged the kingdoms had ceased as a bond unbreakable by simple words or actions formed between the princes as they became kings.

The young are told stories of how their king had joined a hero in saving the world. How they fought as allies, sword in hand back to back against hordes of enemies until the last foe had been vanquished. Then lastly they are told of the brave sacrifice that hero made so that they could live.

To ascend the throne each Prince was required to find a woman to be his Queen. The task was arduous but still they had to do it for their kingdoms. As they searched they found their thoughts shifting back to one girl, in particular, a girl with mismatched eyes that they could never have.

Prince Alaric was the first to find his bride in the most unsuspecting places. He had snuck out one night with Alistar to drink at a bar when she quite literally fell for him. After the two men had finished drinking they were walking from the bar when a scream was heard from above. Their movements sluggish they could only react by instinct as Alaric opened his arms to catch the falling person. When he caught a look at her his heart started beating fast. She had long blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes. When he put her down she stood to the side but they never took their eyes off of one another. He asked for her name only to be given a fake one. The girl was a runaway who had been "taken in" after the war. When Alaric searched until he found her she was eventually liberated from those who had shackled her to their home.

The second one to find his bride was Prince Gabriel. His way was a little more traditional as his advisors compiled a list of every available noble maiden in their kingdom for him to choose from. However upon looking through the list he couldn't make such a decision based on pictures and words so he held a ball. All night women came up to him trying to win his favor while men approached him hoping to gain status by befriending him. It was tiring to the point that he snuck out to escape to the garden. When he reached the garden he found a figure sitting on a bench and from behind it looked like her... However as he drew closer he saw her hair was brown, not black, and as she turned her green eyes to him his heart spurred into a gallop. She had tear tracks on her fair face that she quickly tried to wipe away. He wanted to make her feel better... To lift that sadness from her face so he did the thing that always helped him. He asked her to take a fly with him. They spoke and opened up to one another far above the kingdom until their laughter flowed out into the night. She told him that her stepmother told her not to get in the way of her stepsister because she wasn't worthy of being a Queen and his heart hurt for her. He had seen nobody in that room that could be worthy if this pure kind-hearted girl in front of him couldn't be. He vowed that night that he would win her heart and then make her his.

Third, was Prince Thadeous. His choice had shocked everyone. After the war the Princes would travel between kingdoms "fostering peace" as they called it but really they were just doing what friends do. On one of his trips to see Caspian, Prince Thadeous had been attacked by a group of beasts when a mystery girl saved him. She had been living alone in the forest and at his behest she returned to his kingdom with him.

Alistar was forth. His bride was of noble birth but was ranked quite low. In their kingdom of demons she was low on the food chain and could only grit her teeth at the injustice she suffered even within her own home. Her father had planned to marry her off to some perverted old man when she took her life into her own hands and ran away. In her escape she bumped into Alistar causing the two to have a bumpy first meeting. In her haste to escape she left a clue to who she was and Alistar using all of his connections to hunt her down unravels the reason for her escape. He became interested in her fiery personality and started to find reasons to meet her until finally admitting his love and asking for her hand.

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