Meeting The Dean

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In preparation for the contest many other classes were put on hold. Morgianna had never heard anything about this from her friend in her old world and couldn't understand why students would need such special training now of all times. Regardless as she was a student herself she could do little more than go with the flow.

"Morgianna Bloodmoon, the Dean has requested your presence. Please follow me." A woman who looked to be in her early twenties stood at the end of the table that Morgianna currently occupied in the library. She had a bored demeanor as if her even talking was the most menial thing she could ever have been tasked with. She wasn't wearing a student uniform, but her attire was definitely not that of a teacher either. She was decked out from head to toe in black, even her hair that could match the darkest tar was pinned on her head in an inky bun.

Her pants and bodice were skin-tight showing off her curves, and on her face was a tattoo of a black rose. Morgianna looked around but knew there was nobody else present. She had chosen to come to the library for that exact reason. "The Dean?" Morgiannas lips twitched. Of course as she would be thinking about why the man was doing what he was doing she would get the opportunity to meet him. Sometimes she wondered if she were lucky or unlucky with the things that happened to her.

Morgianna knew there was no refusing the request of the person who held the highest power in the school. That and the woman in front of her didn't look like she would have taken no for an answer anyway. Standing slowly, Morgianna took her time stacking the books neatly on the table, loving the twitch in the woman's eyes as she watched her every move. When she was finally done she put on her most pleasant smile and clapped her hands. "Well shall we get going, I wouldn't want to keep the Dean waiting." Morgianna had a slight satisfaction watching a vein throb in the woman's forehead. She didn't know anything about the Dean but if he was sending masked people to pick her up then he was far from normal.

Leaving the library Morgianna followed at a distance as the woman took paths that were hardly used. Using her god's eye she looked at the information in front of her with a frown.

Name: Selene 

Age: 14

Race: Shadow Puppet

Title: Bancroft's Shadow

Attributes/powers: Darkness

Not only was the woman in front of her the same age as her, but her only title is the be a shadow of the Dean. There was no last name or other affiliations, it was as if her only tie to this world was the Dean themselves, to be their puppet.

Tearing her eyes away from the woman, Morgianna watched as they walked to a portion of the campus that she had yet to explore in the weeks she had been here. The trees started to become denser the farther they walked until almost all light from the sun was blocked out. After several minutes and several twists and turns Morgianna saw a light up ahead. It was a perfect archway and beyond it sat the cutest cottage she had ever seen.

There were flowers of various colors lining the walkway, the fragrance making Morgianna feel calm despite being in an unknown place. Just as Morgianna was about to question Selene the door of the cottage opened and a graceful looking woman stepped out with a jovial smile on her face. "Thank you so much for coming to meet with me Morgianna, I have heard so much about you." Selene walked behind the woman and stood with her arms behind her back. "I am sure you have many questions about why you are here and I will answer them, but first I would like to formally introduce myself my name is Maiara, but most know me as Dean Bancroft." She gave a little wink at the end catching Morgianna off guard.

"I am sorry, I was told that the Dean was a man..." Morgianna let her words trail off as she looked at the person in front of her who was clearly a woman. Using her god's eye the words did not lie, Maiara was indeed the Dean, but she was so much more.

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