Telling The Truth

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"So, let me get this straight. Angeline who attacked Olive is actually going to be the one to release an evil God back onto the world who wants to destroy everything, and you are the descendant of the goddess that he wanted and now you have to stop him from returning and if you cant you have to fight him?" Alaric as always was the one to step forward and summarize everything. Once the princes and Olive had finally settled down after berating  Morgianna for running off and worrying them she had told them most of what she had told Felix omitting her coming from another world for a moment. She knew she would need allies and since they were here there was not much else she could do. Sure she could overpower them and leave them behind but Angeline was probably waiting nearby and had already seen them. Just like with Felix it would be safer to keep them where she could see them.

Fafnir who had come after being called by Morgianna showed up with the rest of the group shortly after the Princes. They had been waiting a short distance away as to give the brother-sister pair time to catch up. "Yes, we have been traveling these past two years trying to locate miss Roth. After finally having an altercation with her yesterday it is safe to assume that she has been in contact with Eltarr. The magic that she was using is black magic and it always comes at a price and it is usually something that person holds the closest to their heart." Fafnir looked to Morgianna a silent question on whether he should continue or if she would like to take over.

Morgianna knew that it would be hard for them to understand if she did not tell them everything but she did not want them to have information overload as Felix had earlier. However, thinking of the power that Angeline showed yesterday during their fight Morgianna knew what she had to do. Sighing she decided to rip off the band-aid and pick up the pieces wherever they fell, time was not on their side. Felix knew most of the big parts anyway but there were still some things she had not told him yet. "I was not born in this world originally. I was supposed to be but when my grandmother saw what was to become of me she sent me to another world in hopes of me living a better life. It would have been as if Morgianna Bloodmoon had never existed. However, I died and in that instant of impact was brought back to the time and place I should have always been. In the previous world there was a game that depicted Morgianna Bloodmoon as a snooty girl who could not pick between you princes and you all fell in love with Angeline. Morgianna became upset and did things that made you all hate her and in the end...kill her." 

The room was thrown into chaos. "You better not try to kill my sister!" "I would never like that wicked girl!" "You are the only Queen for me!"

There were two people besides Morgianna's guards who sat still during all the yelling and that was Olive, who had known about the game from her also being reincarnated and Kieran, who had heard many things during their times in the forest. It was at that time that Morgianna met Kieran's blue eyes and felt a twinge in her heart. She had trusted him before with her secrets without ever knowing who he was. She could not blame him for hiding it though, especially after she had talked so badly about him basically to his face. The Kieran in the game was not the person in front of her, none of the princes were. They were the same people who took up for her at school, lied on her behalf when she went overboard during the contest, and genuinely never did anything to purposely hurt her. They were her friends.

"That was a game to depict what would have happened." Her voice broke through the arguments making every eye turn to look back at her. "When I came here, I was able to retain my memories from before and was given special abilities so that I could change that future. None of you are the people from that game even if they were created in your likeness." Taking a deep breath Morgianna looked around the room making sure to meet each person's eyes. "Angeline was also from the other world and was sent here before me in hopes that she would be the one to save the world, however, she was a shallow girl who craved love and attention and that drove her down a dark path. Once she was here that gave Eltarr another piece that he could move freely around the chessboard. A weak girl who believed that she deserved each and every one of you."

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