The Signal of The End

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Pulling Angeline behind her Morgianna forced the wind to shoot them higher and higher into the atmosphere. Yet no matter how hard she tried it felt like she was being weighed down and was swimming through sludge. Looking down she could still make out people so she knew she was far from being high enough but she was running out of time. Each minute she had left was precious, a gift that she hoped to use to see her family once again.

Morgianna wanted to cry at the injustice of coming so far only to feel like she couldn't move forward. Like a movie, pictures flashed behind her eyes as she saw each person she wanted to protect. Starting with her family the list grew to unimaginable lengths. Of course her loyal guards were there,  Fafnir, Alnwick, Faust, and Myra were practically family even if they didn't share blood. Soph and Matt and all of the other servants, even if she hadn't seen them in a while would welcome her back with open arms and she knew it. There was Olive with her sad eyes that lit up when she saw cake, a girl who already died once and was willing to stand beside her even with hardly any magic.

Silas and Killian and sometimes even Mr. Shelp (aka Mr. pretended to be the strongest when she first joined) could be considered friends from the guild. The princes and their insufferable courting, without it, it would feel like a piece of herself were missing. They had become her friends, despite the fear that one day they would be the ones to end her. Philip and his band of ex assassins that weren't bad guys even if they had to play the bad guy sometimes had traveled all the way here to fight after only meeting her briefly. Morgianna saw the dragons who fought for their freedom from Sora. Great magical beings that had hidden in their own place away from everything had come out to help save a world that had hunted them. Next she saw Zephyr and the other magical creatures that had made that forest their home and rose up when it was threatened. The faces kept flashing by, each with a story that had touched her heart in some way. A time and a place where they became comrades or even briefly enemies only for all of them to converge here, at this moment.

Morgianna was scared of using her magic, afraid to let it control her, but she was more afraid of what would happen when she released time. Would the people below her perish so easily after fighting to live? She felt like one of those people who cut the wires on bombs when there is a room full of hostages. One wrong move and it could spell disaster.

To unlock her magic she imagined it as a large chest with chains around it. When she first pictured it as a young child she felt like it held a ravenous beast. It thrashed and rattled barely calming as she placed more locks on it for fear it would escape. Over time no matter how many chains she placed on it they would crack as soon as she lost control.

Now as she looked at the chest it was still, not even the slightest clinking of chains could be heard. She moved forward her resolve hardening with each step she took. For too long she had feared a part of herself and it was time to let it free. As that thought crossed her mind all the chains around the chest faded leaving no trace that they had ever even been there. The lid was heavy, but nothing to Morgianna as she lifted it with ease. Inside resting on a pillow with its eyes closed was a baby. Its eyelashes rested on its chubby pink cheeks and its mouth pouted.

Morgianna did not even realize her body was moving until she saw her own hand reach out as if to touch the child. Just as her fingers were about to touch it's soft-looking cheeks its eyes snapped open and it grasped her hand with it's two tiny ones. Mismatched eyes stared back at her, one red and one goldish. 

As if everything around her sped up Morgianna watched as the baby grew into a small child and then finally a young woman. It was like looking into a mirror as they held each other's hands and stared into each other's eyes. All this time she had been denying herself, fighting against herself... Hurting herself. She thought of the painting on the ceiling and all the possible meanings she had envisioned. All of them pointing at her getting in her own way.

The Death of a Time Viewer (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang