The Binds that Hold Us

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Finishing her search Morgianna opened her eyes and gave him a forced smile. "You want the good or bad news first?"

He cocked his head to the side confused by what she meant. "I guess the good news?" He spoke slowly as if he was questioning his own answer.

She grimaced slightly wishing she had her hood to hide in. "The good news is I found the binding inside of you. It is right behind your naval.  I'm just glad it isn't near your heart. However the bad news..." she started to pace. The news she had was far worse than just bad.

"The bad news is that it has affected your ability to bring in mana naturally... I can break it but because of the black magic that the mayor performed it has leaked into you and.." She was struggling to force the words out. He had suffered so much and now he was going to suffer indefinitely.

He sighed, he had feared something like this would happen. "Are you saying I will have to make a pact with someone else if I ever wish to perform my magic again?"

She could only nod. She wanted to reassure him but knew that anything she could say wouldn't help.

The silence stretched on uncomfortably and Morgianna could feel him slipping into depression.  "You do not have to make up your mind to form a pact immediately... I can help you look for someone suitable and dependable if you ever decided you wanted to." She hoped that by mentioning that he had time later it would at least lift his spirits a bit but instead the reaction she saw cross his face was shock.

"Are you not going to try to get me to form a pact with you? I thought that with me having little to no choices you would suggest yourself."

She shook her head. "You have lots of choices and I would never try to make them for you. I told you I have the mana to support you. However, if you do not think I am the best choice for you then I would not try to force you to choose me. There is one thing though, you need to make up your mind soon. I need to figure out how I will be fighting the mayor. If you cannot contact the beasts of this forest then I need to find a way to." She did not like that she had to rush him, but time was not on their side.

Alnwick was still lying on his back, the whole world feeling a little smaller. He looked at Morgianna as she slowed her pacing and stood a short distance from him. He could tell at first look that she was at least part vampire. Her long black hair and pale skin that was almost translucent under the random beams of light filtering through the trees. If he formed a pact with her she could live hundreds of years more, especially since she was a child. Her mismatched eyes were locked on him and he felt their gaze heavily as if they could see into his very soul. They spoke of knowledge far beyond what a child should know and of the truth in all the words she had spoken to him today.

He had not known her long, but he trusted her. "I will form a pact with you." The words were a whisper. Almost choking him as they left his mouth. He had not wanted to depend on any one person, but looking into her eyes as he had... he knew she was going to be someone he could trust with his life.

"Then prepare yourself. This is gonna hurt." She stepped forward slowly her hand outstretched as if she was going to give his stomach a high five. She looked into his eyes just before her hand brushed against him and stopped. Looking around she finally spotted what she had been searching for, his belt. She picked it up and dusted off the dirt that had stuck to its surface before placing it in his hands.

She tried to force a smile but it looked awkward and more like a grimace. "I am sorry, but this will hurt. I also do not want you to bite your tongue off. If at any point you feel you are going to pass out, just go ahead. I will take care of you."

He looked at the belt in his hands and shrugged. He had not felt much magic from her search earlier and if he was honest with himself he did not actually believe she would succeed. Yes he had agreed to form a pact with her, even asked all the right questions, but deep down he felt doubt.

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