When Two Became Four part 2

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The trip back to the guild was long and tense. Fafnir walked in the back, his eyes trained on Myra and Alnwick as if they were enemies. The two new members even looked at each other with hidden questions.

Morgianna who had spent almost the whole trip in the front of the group ignored the tension. If she tried to speak to Fafnir about it now he would think she was taking the others side and if she tried to talk to the two new members Fafnir would still think she is taking their side. She feared he would try to leave for his kingdom before it was time....without her.

"Shall we stay here for the night?" Her voice was loud in the silence, cutting into everyone's thoughts. Morgianna turned with her hands on her hips as if she was surveying a kingdom instead of a small wooded plain. To Fafnir she was like a little sister that he needed to watch out for. Alnwick saw her as the person who saved his life and also as a part of his life. Seeing as how he would die if she did. However to Myra she was a tiny girl who got lucky in a fight. She did not see why a strong dragon would tie himself to her. Or even why she a Basilisk had to stoop so low as to join a pact herself.

Myra hoping to get some good points quickly started a debate. "I think this place is fine, except it is awfully small. If Fafnir or I needed to change and fight I am afraid you would probably be collateral damage." She purposefully made herself and Fafnir the main fighters while undermining Morgiannas' size. "What do you think Fafnir?" She turned her gaze to him with hopes of being praised but was quickly disappointed.

Fafnir stared at her with disgust. "I believe that if Morgianna wishes to stay here then here is where we will stay. I will protect her... Even if it is from you." He sneered in her direction uncaring of the sadness she portrayed. In his mind anyone who went against Morgianna was also going against him.

With a sigh Morgianna began pulling items out of her space. She had created sleeping bags and one day hoped to sell them. After all money made the world go round. Next she pulled out the tents she had only made two so they would need to double up.

"I have two tents so we need to double up. Girls in one and men in the other. Alnwick are you good at hunting? If so please find dinner. Fafnir if you would get the fire going after collecting some wood that would be amazing. Myra if you would help me set up the tents I will make two more sleeping bags." She looked around but nobody immediately moved. Fafnir and Alnwick just looked at Myra as if they were waiting to see what the Basilisk would do.

With an exaggerated sigh Myra began looking at the tents. "I think putting two large men in one of these small tents will be difficult. We should change the sleeping arrangements..."

"Great idea, Morgianna will stay with me." Before Myra could even finish speaking Fafnir had already ruined her plan to stay with him.

Morgianna could only shake her head knowing not to correct Fafnir. This trip was going to drive her crazy.

After the camp had been set up and food was over the fire Morgianna decided to retreat to her tent. She was not sure if she could take any more of Myra's longing looks toward Fafnir. Or his cold looks toward her. Meanwhile Alnwick just seemed guarded towards everyone. This was going to take some getting used to but they all in some way or another formed a pact with her so they are a team now.

She had just made herself comfortable when she felt a disturbance outside of her tent. She could tell it was Myra pacing so decided to help the woman make up her mind. "You can enter you know, no need to pace outside it may make the others nervous." She giggled a little at the end to let Myra know she wasn't mad or even slightly nervous herself.

Myra frowned when she heard Morgianna speak. She had been contemplating what she would even say and now she was put on the spot. She opened the flap to enter the tent and was surprised at the sight that awaited her.

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