How Ajhussi Became a Reaper

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A/N: Soooooooo someone asked me if I could write a side story about how Ajhussi became a reaper and HermyXOXO suggested me this funny idea 🤣. I never came up with what Ajhussi did to end up as a Reaper (because I'm lazy af and didn't strain my brain much) and I was not going to write about him. But I loved this concept so I did. Enjoy this chapter filled with plenty of drama and bullshit 👻. FYI things are from Ajhussi's POV💕
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"Sir Noah," my butler called me, "your last meeting with Duke Cesar was cancelled from his side, so you're free for the rest of your day."

I nodded and he left my room.

I placed the reports on the desk as Yona, my maid asked, "Should I bring in the dinner, sir?"

"No need. I don't plan on eating today. You can take the rest of the day off for today." I replied and went down to lie down on my bed as Yona bowed down and left me alone in the room.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I smirked and quickly rolled over my stomach and went down to grab the secret treasure I had hid under my bed.

I took the book out with red hardcover and three words written on them in bold.

The Power Bottom

I quickly lied down on the bed on my stomach and flipped through the pages and found the page where I had last left my babies on.

"Oh how I wish he were mine...but we're both men...."

I started reading and after a few pages, some action finally started.

I almost screeched when my babies shared their first kiss, the kiss I've been waiting for from chapter 1.

Now, I don't swing that way. I even have a lovely fiancee named Raeliana. But I just love reading this genre.

It just hits differently and is more fun to read.

When I first found a similar book under my sister's bed and decided to steal it then read it, I didn't think much of it.

I found it a bit weird at first.

But I love weird.

So I love it.

Then I continued to read them (by stealing them from my sister and keeping them back after a day) and this one is by far my favourite.

I was smiling all the time when I was reading the kiss scene and then, something unusual happened.

"He slipped his finger under my shirt and..."

Oh. My. God.

"Yes!Yes!Yes!!!" I whispered as my heart started to beat ten times faster.

This is the scene for which I read all the two hundred and ninety-eight pages for.

"He slipped it off over my head as his hands moved....."

I could practically hear my heart in my ears as my excitement reached sky-high.

But wait.....

Isn't my heart beating a bit too fast...?

And that was the moment when I realised.......

........that I was having a bloody heart attack.

Heart!!!!! NOOOOOO!!! NOT NOW!!

My breathing became erratic as my shoulder started aching.

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