9. The Preparations for the Ball

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I was woken up rather early that day. There was a new excitement in the air. Well, it was an important day after all.

The ball where the Prince will meet Seanna for the first time. And....... I'm excited to be a bystander and witness this historic moment.

But my maids had a different sort of excitement. They wanted their lady to be the prettiest (even though they don't like me). I read it in the novel that the maids of different noble houses would gather around once a month and talk about their workplace. And since this was a grand ball they are probably going to talk about who was going to be the prettiest. So it's like an unannounced competition among the maids to see who dresses up their lady the best.

I don't get the point as to why they would take so may efforts. Cause Adailia would still win even if she decided to go in her pyjamas with bed hair. She was the beautiful villainess after all, those background characters and sidekicks won't stand a chance against a main character. For all the time I've been here I've noticed the more important character you are, the more pretty or handsome you will be. That's a law of the novel world.

After I came out of the bathroom, the maids insisted that I wore a face pack even though I said it wasn't needed. Then started my manicure, pedicure, hair styling and whatnot. The maids were starting to become a bit more stubborn these days, guess it was because of Adailia's mild change in attitude. I was not as rude as Adailia but I didn't let them doubt that someone else is in their lady's body.

After what seemed like hours, the maids finally removed the face pack.

"Bring me my lunch." I ordered. It was around noon and I already skipped my breakfast. The ball was around 5 in the evening.

The maids looked at each other doubtfully, giving each other, 'you tell her' eyes.

Finally one of them spoke, "I apologise to my lady, but we cannot bring you your lunch."


"Why?" I asked.

"The lady's dress is very tight, we don't wish to see our lady sad after we fail in our duty to dress the lady properly." The maid explained.

What the fuck does that even mean?

I scratched my head trying to decipher what she said and then I understood.

She is basically saying that, ' If you eat, you'll become fat and then won't fit in your tight dress. We are not paid enough to deal with your tantrums so shut up'.

Yeah, that's basically it.

"A little bread won't make me fat. Now bring it." I said sternly.

They still looked reluctant.

I opened my mouth to say 'that's an order' but the knock on the door stopped me.

"May I come in Lady Adailia?" Asked someone from outside the door.

"You may." I replied nonchalantly.

The door opened and I saw Seanna with a goblet in her hand.

"I thought Lady Adailia would be hungry, so I brought this." She said timidly.

Seanna, my saviour!!! I'll never forget this act of kindness!!

She handed me the goblet and I looked inside it.

Plain water.


I gave her a quizzical look and she returned it with a 'yes?'  look.

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