36. Radish & Ro- wait...THAT'S NOT ROSE!?!

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Third Person's POV

Raashid was living his life at it's fullest for the past few weeks.

And it was all thanks to his friend Adailia.

After Adailia stopped chasing after him and became his friend, his life took a complete 180° turn.

Not only was he having fun talking and discussing things with her, but also taking her advice for the empire into consideration, which was surprisingly good.

He never knew Adailia was smart.

Sure her brother and father were the pride of the nation, but she never showed anything other than her psychotic and obsessive nature.

But now that she had shown him how smart and a fun person she actually was, Raashid wished she would've 'opened her eyes' a bit earlier.

He had everything he ever wished for right now.

A group of friends, happiness and someone to love.


He felt all giggly and butterflies erupted in his stomach as if he was some teenage girl having her first crush and not the Empire's Crown Prince.

But he can't help it.

Just the sight of those black hair was enough to make him smile ear to ear.

Raashid never knew what love was.

His mother and father being the Empress and Emperor were always busy. His mother would spend only one hour with him once a week as a kid and his father once a month.

Sure he had Mari and Caiden who cared a lot about him, but sometimes, he would feel as if the two of them were more close to each other than to him.

But Raashid was fine.

He didn't need love.

Because....he was afraid of it

The only type of love he ever experienced as a child was of Adailia's- controlling and psychotic.

Every time he would ask her to leave him alone, to stop hurting people around him, to let him breathe without feeling her presence, she would tell him that she can't because she 'loved' him.

If that's how love is, Raashid didn't need it.

But then he met Rose.

Her black hair went well with her fair skin. Her emerald eyes, which were so similar to someone, yet Raashid could never pinpoint who it was, because, by the time he tried to figure who those emeralds belong to, he was already lost in them. And being drunk didn't help it.

They had barely met more than 6 times. But that was enough for Raashid to fall in love with Rose's simple and funny nature.

"You ready?" Asked Mari, Raashid nodded and Caiden just huffed but did nod.

They were going to the bar.

For the last time.

Barely two months were remaining till Raashid was announced as the Emperor and the amount of paperwork he had reached the sky.

But he still had to go.

He had to see Rose.

And confess.

Raashid was not sure if Rose liked him. Just like he wasn't sure of her age. When he first met Rose he was sure she was around his age, if not, then younger. However, when Rose was on her fifth glass, she starts calling Raashid child, kid or any other synonym for that.

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