4. This Family is WeIrD

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"Morning Lia dear, did you sleep well, my little princess?"

"Uh- yes." Is stated simply.

Must be the father.

Only family members or lovers were allowed to call a noble by their pet name.

I walked around and took a seat in front of the man.

" Good Morning Anna." Said the couple.

"Good morning Archduke and Archduchess," Seanna said, smiling. She took a seat beside the Archduchess.

Now that I think about it Archduke and Archduchess had a good relationship with Seanna.

Their characters weren't that bad. Too bad the Archduke loved his daughter too much to accept her death and as a revenge declared a war against his own empire. Sadly he, his wife, the nobles who supported him and other thousands of people died in the war and war-related consequences.

When all were seated, the butler brought everyone breakfast.

It was a French-style breakfast, some pastries, croissant, tea and stuff.

I took a bite and held back a moan. Shit, this is so delicious. I usually skipped breakfast in my previous life or had a coffee at my workplace. This is awesome!!

I continued to eat as a normal noblewoman would rather than stuffing my face while the archduke and archduchess kept on talking about some imperial stuff. When they asked me something, I simply nodded or replied a 'yes'. I was absolutely clueless about what they were talking about.

When the breakfast was almost done the Archduke asked me, "Why are you so quiet today Lia?"

Uk- now what?

The fastest excuse I could think of was, "Uh- I am not feeling well today." And then rubbed my temples to add that special effect for them to believe me.

The Archduke's eyes widened and so did his wife's. They both stood up from their seats and rushed towards me saying, "Oh my God!! Sweetie, you should have told us before!!"

The Archduke turned to the closest butler, "Didn't you hear what she said??? What are you just standing there for?? Call the Royal doctor. NOW!!!" He screamed as the butler rushed off to I don't know where.



What the fuck is wrong with these people???????

Is this how a normal person is supposed to react??

"Came down. It ain't that-"

"Don't talk, what if your condition worsens?" Archduchess said, almost tearing up.

What kind of logic is that?????

"Is that why Lady Adailia was behaving so weird since morning?? Oh! How could I have not noticed!!!", Seanna said, her eyes welled up with tears.

Even you too?????

Then came a knight and lifted me up bridal style.

"Hey!! What are you-"

And then he plopped me down on a stretcher.

"Miss don't worry we'll save you." He stated (although his eyes were saying otherwise)


The stretcher started moving and the archduchess was crying saying something like, "My poor baby."

Why are they exaggerating things??

Oh right.

I'm inside a novel.

And some novels are all about exaggeration.

Especially this novel.

I was led to my room and then plopped on my bed. Archduchess was crying as she said, "Hang in there."

I don't even know how to react anymore.

The doctor came in rushing, huffing badly after 10 minutes.

"I *huff* ran as *huff* fast as I could."


"Miss are you okay?" He asked still panting and sweating.

That's something I wanna ask you too.

"Why would I call a useless fellow such as yourself if she were to be fine!!! Of course, she is not OKAY!!!!"  Roared the archduke.

This family is insane.

"Ah- yes of course. Miss, how are you feeling?"

Like I'm losing my mind.

"Dizzy", I stated simply.

The doctor checked me with his Stethoscope and then pulled out a tiny bottle from his briefcase and handed it to me.

It was a syrup, an extremely stinky one.

"Now drink this miss and you'll feel all right." Said the doctor.

Ummm... There's no way I'll ruin the heavenly taste of the French breakfast on my tongue by drinking something that looks so poisonous for curing my fake dizziness.

But those people were not removing their eyes off me.

So I had to do something.

"Is that a fly over there?" I said, squinting my eyes to stare at nothing at particular.

Everyone's head snapped towards where I was looking and I quickly poured that shit in the plant pot that was beside my bed.

When everyone looked back at me, I quickly composed myself and pretended as if I just drank that medicine.

"Miss, there is nothing-"

"Oh, I think I must have hallucinated. Uh-my head." I said, quickly grabbing my head and lying down on the bed.

"Hallucinations? This is worse than I thought. Let me give you another dose."

I sat upright.

"No!!! There was a fly Okay!!!!" I practically screamed.

"But miss just sai-"

"The fly-fly--- FLEW out of the window."

"The windows are closed."

"Oh so tired! So dizzy!" I said and quickly pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes pretending to fall asleep.

I pretended to sleep for another half an hour till all the chaos was over.

The Archduke was cursing the doctor and Archduchess was crying while Seanna comforted her for like 15 minutes. Finally, both of them had to leave as they had some important paperwork to do. (They were the Archduke and Archduchess after all)

After everything was quiet, my brain started processing everything.

I tried to remember what Adailia acted like around her parents.

A spoiled brat.

I was supposed to act like a spoiled brat.

That's no big deal.

But the thing is I don't know anyone or anything in this world. And it's not like the book had a description of each character.

Then the idea struck me.

If I'm inside a book, I will use the book to get out.

There must be something in the Royal Library that could tell me why my soul crossed over to this world.

I'll check tomorrow.

For sure.

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