44. Find Me a Fiance

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"We should find you a fiance, Lia!"

As soon as those words left mother's mouth, father dropped his fork, Aiden spit out his orange juice and Seanna choked on her pie, while being the legend I am, I choked on air.

"No.", Aiden said as father started, "Absolutely not. Adailia is too young to get married."

"Oh please! I was engaged to you when I was sixteen." Mother retorted while I rubbed Seanna's back as she was having a coughing fit.

"Well, that was during the old days." Father tried to argue but mother glared at him, her eyes telling him to shut up and then looked at me expectantly.

"Uh-Well, " I started, looking at her shining eyes, "I thought you were trying to get me with Hayden, no?" I asked instead.

Two weeks had passed since our short trip to the island and ever since then, mother has been fixated on Hayden.

She even gave him permission to enter the mansion without prior notice whenever he wants to, going against father and Aiden.

And Hayden, he's been taking full advantage of it.

I thought I would've died of annoyance but I didn't.

Because he wasn't annoying me.

He was annoying Seanna.

Like a lot.

Five days ago, I literally heard Seanna curse at the top her lungs while chasing after a laughing Hayden with a pointed quill, which was an amusing sight if you ask me.

Seanna has been sad and lost in her thoughts majority of the days so I try to keep her company and lift her mood up but only Hayden succeeds in keeping her mind off the thoughts (by annoying the shit out of her) which has been depressing her all this time (and she won't even tell me about it).

Hayden still flirts a lot with me but has stopped invading my personal space which is a good sign and we can hold a proper conversation, which lasts max to max 2 minutes before he has to ruin it with his flirty remarks or stupid puns.

The three of us are together almost everywhere and he even started sitting with us at our lunch table since Raashid has stopped coming to the Academy altogether, or when he comes he has to leave after an hour because of some important matters he has to handle, which isn't a surprise cause there is only a week remaining till he is announced as the Emperor.

And I'm pretty sure I won't get killed cause the last time I checked, Raashid said I didn't deserve to die.

"Oh, he was just supposed to be a temporary fling." Mother said like it was obvious, "And, I have to agree with your father, the West Kingdom isn't somewhere I would want to send my daughter. Besides, Prince Hayden is just too flirty."

Aiden nodded, "I saw him flirting with the maids in the mansion. It's really common in their culture, I heard 80 per cent of the concubines turn out to be maids." He made a weird face. Even though Obelia Empire and the West Kingdom were neighbours, their cultures were very different.

In Obelia, nobody cares how many lovers you had before but as soon as you get engaged, even looking at someone the wrong way is unacceptable. And cheating is considered as a sin, loyalty is something the obelians are proud of and that's why they find unloyal people very repulsing. Other than that, lovers are usually of the same status, nobles with nobles, commoners with commoners, maids with servants and so on, relationship between two people of different status is usually opposed by the society.

In the West Kingdom, do whatever you want, fuck whoever you want, keep as many lovers you want, cheat openly on anyone you want, nobody cares. As long as you don't insult the royalty their, you're fine. I've heard that blasphemy against a western royal can get you exiled for life no matter how high your status is or which empire you belong to (that's exactly why I'm not throwing random insults at Hayden every now and then).

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