7. Upto Something

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(T)Raashid's POV

That psycho Adailia is up to something. I just know it. This isn't the first time she is trying to get my attention by playing hard to get.

When she did it a few years back, I was so happy that I actually threw a party for all the knights in the castle, thinking I finally got that leech off my back. But that act was only for a week and she was back to being her old possessive and irritating self.

She didn't even let any girl near me till date and anyone who did, met with destruction.

A year ago, she freaking burned a lady's house!! And when I asked her why, she just said, 'That bitch didn't know her place, trying to flirt with my Darling.'

That girl wasn't even flirting, she merely asked me if I would want a bread from their bakery (since I was supervising the construction work in that area since morning).

The men she hired to do the work even told our knights that they were only following that psycho's orders. But her father, the Archduke, of course, wouldn't let his daughter rot in the dungeons.

We didn't even get to investigate her. And my father, the Emperor, was best friends with the archduke since they were kids, so he let him and his daughter go. Besides, father always had a soft spot for Adailia.

Usually she goes around making people's lives miserable and giving snarky comments on literally everything.

But when she is quite, it's the silence before the storm and something horrible is going to happen sooner or later.

"You gonna do your homework or what?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up from my homework to see Caiden who was sitting on the couch sharpening his sword.

"Yeah. I will, I was just thinking something."I said and tried to focus on my homework.

"You're so slow Raashid. Be quick, then we can have sword duel." He said rolling his eyes.

I tried to do read but my mind just couldn't focus.

"....Don't you think Adailia is acting a bit weird?" I asked Caiden who simply replied with a 'yes'.

"Do you think she is up to something?", I asked again.


I rolled my eyes at that comment and said, "The last time you said that she burned a freaking house."

"Why are you so full of negativity?", Caiden said sighing.

" I am just being cautious. I don't want the history to repeat itself."

"Yeah sure." Caiden said, snickering.

"But seriously, she is acting so weird. Just yesterday I saw her having an actual conversation with the librarian." And Adailia never- I mean never talked to anyone. She just insulted, humiliated, ordered or threatened them. And with me she just flirted. Her actually speaking with someone more than a few words was quite shocking.

"Did you have some sort of interaction with the librarian?" He asked. I thought for a second.

"No. I just looked at her."

"In front of Lady Adailia?"


"May Serina's soul rest in peace." Caiden said. I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not.

"I thought the same, but they looked really immersed in it and I actually was surprised to see Adailia being so expressive. She was even moving her hands as she talked."

"What we're they talking about?"

"I don't exactly know. I just caught some words like 'strong top' and 'cute bottom' or something like that." I said, now that I think about it, it does sound suspicious.

Even Caiden frowned at that.

"Must be something girly."


"Whatever, do your homework."

"How can I focus when someone is planning on exploding something in my empire?"

Caiden frowned at this, "You are wasting your time. Just tell me if you don't want to do your homework."

I smirked, "You know me so well." I usually don't mind doing homework but this year it's a whole lot of homework and assignments I got as it was my final year.

Caiden rolled his eyes, "Leave it then. I'll do it later."

"No. You better not do it. You aren't the smartest of the people out there." I teased him as he frowned.

"Fine, you jerk. I'll ask Mari. Now get up and take your sword. Let's practice. " he said, standing up. Marinus Mac Eachern, my second companion who is also a smartass mage. It is one of the advantages of being the son of the Emperor, you get to keep two companions. We are practically siblings, Marinus is more like an elder brother while Caiden will be the smallest one.

"Fine, as long as you convince Mari." I said getting up. Mari will surely pull a fit over it later, I'll leave it to Caiden to deal with him.

We went to the Training ground and started  sparring.

By the end of one and an hour, I finally defeated Caiden. He is one of the best knights out there with his awesome swordsmanship.

"It's almost time for you to visit the Library today." Caiden reminded me.

"Ugh. I hope I don't run into Adailia today."

Why, Why did the only person I hoped to not run into be the first one I see?

As soon I entered the library I saw Adaila leaning against a shelf reading something.

Why is she always in the library?

No matter how many times I changed my timings to visit the library, I always saw her.

I quickly walked forward towards the next shelf before giving her a quick glance.

But my feet hesitated after looking at her.

Usually, she wore a lot of revealing clothes and her expression was either of displeasure or that of lust.

But right now...

She just looked peaceful.

Her eyes held a different brightness in them which I don't know how I failed to notice earlier.

The sun rays settled on her light pink hair making the shade even lighter.

She looked......pretty.

Suddenly her eyes shifted towards the window and became wide.

After two seconds, she slammed the book shut and ran right towards the exit door. I probably went unnoticed as I was standing in the direction opposite to that of the door.

What did she see to make her react like that?

I made my way towards the window and looked down from it.

I just saw a black cloth disappearing in the bushes. Soon Adailia came running and seemed to be searching for something.

After a while she gave up and slouched down and sat on the grass, running her hand through her hair.

What was that?

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