49. Dessert

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"Dylan how in the world am I going to do that? I can barely let go of you. Absolutely not. Plus, how the hell are you so good at this?" 

Dylan has been trying to teach me how to ice skate, but if it was not obvious I was not very good at it. He let me go for a second and I almost fell if it was not for him.

"Your man has many talents." He smirked. 

"I'm not very good at this." I pouted.

"It's okay. Here just hold on to me I am not complaining." He said and kissed my forehead. 

The butterflies truly never go away with this man. 

"Can I ask you something?" I found myself asking.

"Ask away, babe."

"When you signed the contract did you ever picture us ending together?"

"If I'm being honest, no. You were such a pain in my ass. All I could think of was getting over the time period and then going back to my old habits. I still remember walking into that diner and looking at you, hard at work. Your eyes furrowed in confusion with whatever it was you were doing. For just a second my anger subdued, but then reality hit and I was furious about the contract I was holding. But my old man knew what he was doing. He just knew that you were the love of my life, the future mother of my kids, and my daily dosage of stress." 

"Hey, hey, hey sir you were not the easiest person to get along with. I remember you coming in furious, and calling me a gold digger. If I wasn't at work I probably would have slapped you. Your old man sure as hell knew what he was doing. I'm still in disbelief that I feel in love with such an angry and short-tempered man." I pecked his cheek and he gave me one of his cheesy smiles.

"And not look at us. We are finally happy. We have three beautiful kids. I am married to a boss who runs five restaurants while being a kick ass mom. I could not ask for anything more. I don't think I truly knew the word happiness until you came in my life. Kota, I will give you the world if I could. You truly are everything for me along with our kids."

"I never understood what the word home felt like, but this right here is it. Here holding on to you for dear life, and having our kids and family at home is home for me. I did not know you could love one person so much. I know I did not make the best decisions in the past, but don't doubt that I love you so much. I was in the altar with Alec and I did love him, but it was a platonic love. It was not this love that makes me feel as I'm the only girl in the world. Not this love that makes me feel fearless and ready to take on this world. You sir are my Prince Charming. You are what I read about. You are the definition of a soulmate, and I would change many things that happened between us but I will never change falling in love with you. Thank you for never giving up on me even when I was being a little piece of shit, and thank you for giving me the most amazing three kids a person could ask for." 

"Thank you for being patient with ME. For understanding that I am difficult and an asshole. Thank you for being the woman you are. Thank you for teaching me the definition of love. Thank you for allowing me the father to the most amazing three kids. Thank you for loving me, and all my idiotic ways. Thank you for not giving up on me, on us."

"I love you." I sighed and kissed his lips. 

For that instance, we were the only two people in the world. Two people madly in love. Two people who have been through hell and back. 

"What do you say we get out of here? I got us a nice hotel suite. We can order dinner. Dessert is on me." He wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. 

"What are we waiting for?" I said and he grabbed my arm in a rush and dragged me to the booth to return our skates.

We rushed to the Four Seasons to our suite (or more like a mini-mansion). Dylan got on the phone to order s dinner.

"Dylan why must you waste so much money?"

"Only the best for the best." He winked.

"Dinner is on its way. What should we do?" He asked.

"How about we take a bath together?" I smiled.

"Love the sound of that. You don't have to tell me twice." 

Dylan said he would grab a bottle of wine and meet me in the restroom. He walked in while I was already inside the bath enjoying the bubbles.

"Dang you are quick." 

"I needed this. I didn't realize how much energy the kids took away from us."

Dylan removed his clothes and joined me in the tub. 

"I feel like I should've been a little more romantic. Maybe get some rose pedals and candles in here."

"This is perfect. I have the essentials right now."

"Which are?"

"You and that bottle of wine." I took a sip of my very delicious red wine. 

"How much do you love me?" I asked.

"What do you want?" 

"Can you rub my feet?" I chuckled and shoved my feet in front of his face.

"What do I get in return?" He asked.

"My love."

"I already have that." 

"But you'll have more of it." I grinned.

"Not possible." 

"Please. I took our kids on a walk, and they were a real piece of work when I was trying to leave."


"I love you."

"You better. I don't really like feet. I can never understand why people have foot fetishes."

"Baby, you love my feet."

"You do have cute feet, but I rather choke then have a foot fetish."

He started rubbing my feet and I closed my eyes. 

"You need to stop doing that sound before we have dessert first before dinner." 

I did not realize that I was moaning as he was rubbing my feet. 

"I wouldn't mind." I smirked.

"Don't tem-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door which made Dylan groan.

"Im about to have blue balls." He muttered under his breath before he got out the tub to put his robe on.

I could not wait for dessert.

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