17. Losing Fingers

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My brain told me to push him away, but my body desired him. He placed his hands on my ass and pushed me against the wall. My legs were tangled around his waist. Our tongues kept fighting for dominance. Our lips were in perfect sync. I let out a moan which I am not proud of. I could feel his lips turning into a smile. We continued to kiss until we were out of air. With the few cells that were working in my brain I untangled my legs from his waist and then proceeded to push him off.

"No, no, no this can't happen again." I said.

"That's not what your body was saying." He smirked.

I walked to the mirror and began adjusting my dress and hair.

"You can't keep doing this."

"It's not like you're not kissing me back. You are very much enjoying it." I could feel my cheeks heating up I hate him for being right. I did enjoy his kisses, but he couldn't know that.

"Plus there's nothing wrong with us kissing we are husband and wife." He said.

"Yes, in a piece of paper not in real life." I said.

"Why not in real life?" He said as he began getting dangerously close.

"Stop, don't come any closer. Why not? Well because you're an ass. You're a complete major ass."

"You haven't been that nice to me either."

"This can't happen." I said pointing at him and at me.

"Why not?"

"I already told you why, plus let's be honest you're not over your ex. I'm not going to be your rebound. You're still in love with her." As much as I hate to admit it that hurt a little bit.

"I'm not in love with her!" He barked.

"You can lie to everyone, but not me. You get all defensive when she's around she makes you weak. You're not over her." I said.

"That's not true."

"Keep telling yourself that." I said as I made my way to the door.

"We will go back out there and enjoy the rest of the event. This did not happen." I unlocked the door and headed outside.

As I was searching in my bag for some lip gloss I accidentally crashed into someone.

"You look lovely tonight." I looked up to see the one and only Alec Sloan there with his radiant smile.

"What are you doing here?" I playfully punched him in the arm.

"There was something missing in Spain so I came back to my beautiful home." He said. Was I that something missing? No stop.

"I didn't know you did charity work."

"I love giving to charities especially this one it's dear to my heart." He smiled.

"Why did you keep bidding?" I bluntly asked.

Alec sighed and said,"Because I wanted a date with you it's that plain and simple."

"Alec, you know I'm married."

"Just for a year and a half." He reminded me.

"You're just pissing him off." I sighed. Alec grabbed my cheek with his large hand and looked right at my eyes. Those piercing blue eyes.

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