5. Daniel

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"You're pulling my hair." I yelped in pain.

"I'm so sorry ma'am is just a little bit tangled." The stylist said. Since the afternoon Sky invaded my house with all these people who claimed that they were in charge of getting me "beautified". In addition, Dylan's lawyer came by and I signed his bloody contract so it's now official. I will be married to him for 1 1/2 years.

Aside from getting my nails and toenails done, I was waxed from head to toe I don't understand why, but it hurt so very much.

"What's next?" The hair stylist said. He had curled my hair.

"Make-up." Sky said.

I sat down in a chair and let the make-up artist do her work.

"Please not a lot of make-up." I said and she nodded. After a while she said she was done. Thank god she listened to my instructions it all looked natural.

"Kota we're running short out of time, you need to put the dress on, now!" Sky instructed. I nodded and headed to my room to change.

I felt like a princess in a fairy tale. My hair and make-up were spot on, my dress was something from another planet, and my heels were comfortable enough to handle for the rest of the night.

"Mr.Maxwell is here all of you scatter!" I heard Sky's voice.

I suddenly heard movements and the door being shut closed. I was suddenly shaking, why was I so nervous? You got this, Mr.Maxwell the one that matter loves you. So you're okay. Who cares if the rest of the family doesn't like me?

"Ms.Dakota are you ready?" I rolled my eyes I told her to drop off the Ms. She probably said it because Dylan was there.

"Coming." I gathered all my strength and began walking. I opened the door and walked out.

The only person in the room was Dylan.

His eyes immediately scanned my appearance and he smiled, not a smirk, a genuine smile. I scanned his appearance he had a black tux on. He seemed to have a grey vest or something of that kind, and a white dressing shirt and black tie. Kind of odd combination, but he did look attractive. Did I say attractive? I meant butt ugly.

"You look nice." He simply said.

"Thanks." I dryly said.

"Ready to go?"

"I don't seem to have another option." I replied.

"This is for you." He said and handed me two boxes. The first one I opened was a set of earnings and a necklace.

"Here let me help you put the necklace on." He took out the necklace and moved my hair to the side. I felt his fingers brush against my neck and it caused me to shiver, but he didn't seem to notice. I was also able to smell his strong cologne it was really strong, but nice.

"There you are." He said.

"Thank you." I put the box down and got the earrings and changed them with the ones I had so I could match.

"Open the second box." He instructed. I opened the second box and it was a brand new Iphone 6s Rose Gold.

"I had Sky get you a phone and place all your contacts in it. A future CEO can't have a 1920 Android. Let's go."

"Thank you." I said.

"Sky got this for you." He handed me a clutch almost the color of my dress, it was close enough. I grabbed it and placed my phone inside.

"Come on you know my dad can get very impatient at times." He was right Mr.Maxwell wasn't the most patient person in the world.

Dylan offered me his arm, but I shook my head.

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