18. The Phone Call

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"You told me my cooking sucked so I came to learn from the best."

The one and only Alec Sloan was standing in front of me. I looked around and saw everyone gawking they also couldn't believe that he was here.

"Alec seriously what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to learn." He said with a grin plastered on his face.

"Don't you have a show to film?" I asked.

"We don't start recording until next month so I have all the time in the world."

"So you decide to take cooking classes?"

"Yeah why not? I have the looks, personality, but a certain lady told me I have to improve my cooking skills." He said.

"Okay I guess, but go find another cooking station all the girls are glaring at me." I said. Alec chuckled before embracing me into a hug.

"Ah my favorite girl don't be jealous you're my day one." I chuckled and then proceeded to push him off.

The instructor walked in and procedded to teach the class. I tried to focus on the class, but having a handsome beautiful blue-eyes creature who continuously made flirty comments, made it quite difficult to concentrate. I continued to push his off as he was some sort of plague, but he wouldn't budge. Before I knew it class was dismissed.

"Do you need me to take you home, love?" Alec asked.

"No, love. Quit calling me love I'm a married woman, and if my husband found out he would murder you." Alec chuckled and pinched my cheeks.

"God you're so adorable I just want to toss you in my shoulder and run away with you."

"I am not a sack of potatoes for you to throw me on your shoulder." I said.

"You're too beautiful to be a sack of potatoes." He said.

"You're infuriating you know. You're persistent which at first I thought was quite cute, but now it's stalkerish."

"I told you I liked you, and I was not kidding. I want you with me."

"Alec how can you say that you barely met me? We've had what? 3 encounters?"

"Yes, three encounters that have completely changed me. Not 3 simple encounters, they were meaningful."

Of course they were meaningful I said to myself. You heard me as I explained my messy agreement with a brute, I spent my wedding night with you instead of being with my supposedly husband. You listened to me, and you clearly have great intentions.

"Alec, anything can't happen. Not in this one year and a half. I'm married and you barley came out of a relationship. Don't make this harder than it already is." I stepped back and Alec began getting closer to me.

"Why would it be harder?"

Because for some reason I am attracted to you.

"Because." I gulped.

I managed to hit a wall where Alec placed both of his arms beside my head and he stared deep into my eyes.

"You feel something don't you?"

Who doesn't?

"Alec, you're a great guy and maybe if we would've met before I would've not rejected you, but today is not the day." I placed my arms on his chest pushing him away gently.

"You heard my wife." Uh-oh.

Alec immediately turned around to see a very pissed of Dylan standing in the doorway.

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